Something different on the podcast today – and we’re publishing in the morning rather tonight – why wait? We recorded this episode the day after the American election so I was still in shock and probably some denial. This episode expresses our raw thoughts on this history-making event.

HippyLip was our American guest for this podcast.  It was insightful to have an insider’s perspective of how things went down. Specifically, HippyLip lives in a state that flipped from blue to red. Of course HippyLip doesn’t speak for all Americans just as we don’t speak for all Canadians, but it’s a peek into the differences and similarities we have.  I wanted we could be much more funny and talked much more about makeup but honestly, shit got real!

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I went through so numerous emotions that morning after the election. First, I was mad. really pissed off at Americans in general. What idiots! how could they have voted Trump in? If they voted him in, then they should all be just like him! And how dare they want to relocation here to Canada – stay in America and fix your own damn mess.  I went so far as to declare that I was going to boycott purchasing all things American. That morning, instead of going to Starbucks I chose Tim Hortons – that’ll show ’em! then I kept in mind that Tim Hortons is now owned by an American company (Burger King).  In the end, I realized that for numerous American voters, the choice was tough.

There is a lot of blame going around. There are people demonstrating and signing petitions. regret is a powerful thing, isn’t it? ought to have gone out to vote! ought to have had Bernie instead! ought to have focused much more on the white working class!  It’s too late for all that; there’s no do-over.

Forrás. Seen in London, England.
And now, a full 9 days has passed, the anger I felt has subsided. I’m still left feeling disappointed, and apprehensive. The pendulum has swung so far – what will happen? The guarantee of “making America terrific again” at the expense of women’s rights, the environment, minority and LGBT rights?

The Donald on the campaign trail was deplorable. Will President Trump be the same? I say: PROVE us WRONG.

Here are some things discussed in the episode:

Political memes!

Aww, RIP gene Wilder.
Remembrance Day in Canada – It was quite interesting to talk about subtle differences between Remembrance Day vs veterans Day which occurred last Friday. here in Canada, we wear red poppies on the left side (over our hearts) leading up to November 11th (right after Halloween, poppies are out in full force).

And we have a moment of silence on the 11th hour – this is observed quite widely including offices, schools, shopping malls, public transportation (subways and buses will stop their routes for a minute), and even sites will close like did:

I’ll nerd out here and list some documentaries that were discussed and a few not discussed but that I think are also worthwhile viewing:

Inequality For All

If you view nothing else on this list, please view this. It talks to everyone, no matter your political leaning.


We viewed this back in may when it first released, and it’s so poignant now after what’s happened. This follows Anthony Weiner’s run for Mayor of nyc in 2013, and gives an inside look at his relationship with his partner and Hillary’s aide, Huma Abedin.

Being Canadian

One of Canada’s preferred pastimes: trying to figure out what our identity is. Side note: it’s not all rosy here in Canada; we got our own problems too. I ask the hypothetical question, “Could Donald Trump have been elected Prime minister of Canada?”  It’s a question for debate.

Merchants of Doubt

A eyeopening look (at least for me) at how lobbyists confuse and mislead politicians with such slick elegance that it’s near impossible to differentiate between facts and fiction. It touches on tobacco smoking, big chemicals, and many significantly, climate change.

Where to Invade Next

A somewhat silly premise that America ought to “invade” other countries in purchase to “steal” their ideas. But, there are lessons to be discovered here especially on how incarcerated people ought to be treated, what food is available to children in schools, and the cost of higher education.

Belső munka

It’s clear now that last week’s election result is partly due to lingering effects of the 2008 housing market / cost-effective collapse. This film is probably the most definitive on the subject of how the collapse happened. I’m thinking someone out there is already floating the idea of a documentary on the Trump victory and how it concerned be.

Thanks for listening to the podcast and I know all this political talk might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but these issues issue us all.  I’m only a Canuck but I careerről! Hogy érzed magad az amerikai választások eredményeiről?

Ps. Holnap közzéteszem a Sephora Vib Rouge-t! maradjon velünk.

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