MAC naked Bond, Late Night, Coco Bar, keep It Currant, rich & Robust, Blue Me Over, wet Road, and Misty Me
Pretty sure I discussed this the other day, but yeah, my lids are getting progressively much more hooded every day. I think it’s just a getting older thing, but now I appreciate long-lasting liners like the MAC Liquidlasts THAT much MORE, because if you’ve got a hooded lid situation, finding a liner that doesn’t transfer up into your crease can be harder than finding a chupacabra unicorn.

Enter the MAC Liquidlast Liners. They’re long-lasting and water-resistant.


MAC naked Bond, Late Night, Coco Bar, keep It Currant, rich & Robust, Blue Me Over, wet Road, and Misty Me
A bunch of them that just arrived at MAC counters and the MAC site ($21 each), but you might remember them from back in the day. The Liquidlast Liners used to be part of the permanent collection. then they went away, but now they’re back in nine shades, many of which are permanent.

The only LE colors are matte purple rich & Robust, which I friggin’ love (GAH!) and shiny teal Blue Me Over.

Rich & Robust
To someone just passing by a MAC counter, they look a little like lip glosses, at least until you open them up and see the skinny, fine-tipped brush.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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That brush, though? T-r-i-c-k-y to use.

It helps to unload practically all of the liner from the brush first.
The first time I used these years and years ago, I wan’t crazy about ’em because of the brush, but now I think I just didn’t know how to use it. I think I might know how now.

What I wasn’t doing then was unloading the brush enough before bringing it to my lids. now I run the brush against the inside of the lip of the tube a bunch of times to get rid of the excess.

Rich & robust on my upper lash lines. I’m also wearing MAC kid and Uninterrupted Eye shadows on my lids, and Powersurge liner on my lower lash line. The blush is Melon Pink from the MAC Padma collection, and my lipstick is Mittai Pink (worn as a stain), also from MAC Padma.

After that, I pull out my trusty magnifying mirror (this one from Tweezerman) so I can see exactly what I’m doing, and I hold the brush parallel to my lash line. then I press it once against my skin, relocation it over a little bit, press it down again, relocation it over, etc., and I keep doing that until I make my way all the way across my lash line. (I typically start from the inner part and relocation to the other part.)

This way I get a really thin, crisp, clean line without any wobbly edges.

My favorite shade at the moment is rich & Robust, a pigmented matte purple that I really like with my brown eyes, but I bet it looks just as good with blue eyes, green eyes and hazel eyes, too.

The Liquidlasts dry rapidly (30 seconds), so you better relocation fast. The flip side of this is that you won’t be sitting there with your eye closed while you wait for your liner to dry.

Eyeballz! That’s the shade wet Road.
Wearing wet road on my upper lash lines and naked Bond on my lower lash lines. earrings from


They’re water-resistant and rub-resistant (not that I ever rub at my eyes. Nope. Never!), so you’ll need an oil-based remover to take them off. I use the Clinique Take The Day Off makeup Remover, which works terrific for me.

A barátságos környéke Charmfüggő,


Állapot Mit!? Nincs előnyben részesített fa? Ez, a barátom, az őrült üzlet. Ön igényel. Önnek tartozol, hogy felfedezzen egy fát? amely a lelkednek szól, valamint hozzárendeli, mint a kedvenced.

Ez volt az évek óta, és a tavasszal kialszik. Megértem, hogy nevetségesnek tűnik, de így kapom ezt a fát! Lehet, hogy eltévedhetek órákig, csak bámulva. Szeretem a halvány rózsaszín virágokat, ezüstös szürke törzset, valamint az ágai fényes környezetbarát zibráljait. Minden tavasszal előre nézek.


Furcsa módon, még soha nem neveztem el – ez az a személy, aki minden olyan élettelen elemet nevez, amely áthalad az úton. Ez csak az én előnyben részesítettem? fa. Ez az.


Mi van veled? Van egy előnyben részesített fa? Vagy még egy előnyös növény?

A barátságos közösségi szépségfüggő,


Me, tegnap este.

Well…more like me yesterday afternoon at approximately 5 pm, provide or take, since that’s when people in young child town have dinner.?‍ as well as while other people in the restaurant were enjoying their sushi dressed like actual adults, I was sporting Az én (Connor) sztetoszkópja, valamint a rózsaszín megszórva fánk szemüveg, de én digress …


Ez a kategória, mind az egész, remélem, hogy pihentél, hogy jobb mise. Ha úgy érzi, hogy olyan ferde, itt van néhány könnyű olvasás az Ön számára …

Amikor gyerek voltam, Mister Rogers szomszédsága, amely 1968 és 2001 között a levegőben volt, az egyik előnyben részesített műsorom, valamint egy új dokumentumfilm van Rogers úr életéről, amit nem leszel a szomszédom , with fun factoids like…until her death, his mom knitted all of his zip-up sweaters. Továbbá Rogers úrnak volt egy dolog a 143-as számra, és az életének utolsó 30 éve pontosan 143 fontot tartott fenn.

This article was an eye-opener: It discusses the consequences of farming (like deforestation as well as water pollution) as well as sourcing a few of the components that are commonly utilized in beauty products. According to the article, kid labor is frequently utilized to farm as well as process cocoa, mica as well as shea butter.

Az én előnyben részesítettem ezen a héten, hogy ez a darab az volt, hogy pontosan ez a darab, hogy egy fiatal hölgy hasznot hozott az anyja elkötelezettségét az elnyomó, az elnyomó, de a hölgy megváltoztatta az elméjét, amikor elérte a felnőttkorát. A cikkből …

“In South Korea’s ultra-competitive, image-obsessed society, beauty was a physical marker of one’s commitment to success. A szépség olyan fegyver volt, amelyet a patriarchy elleni küzdelemre lehet telepíteni, a hatalomforrás a patriarchális korlátozások ellenére, amelyek a nők korlátozott döntéseit korlátozzák. As the head nurse of an operating space in South Korea, my mom went from having nothing to living her finest life. Megnyitották az egyéni tervezésű ruhát a görcsös alakjához, biztosítva, hogy mindig kifogástalanul nézhesse. Az anyám számára a szépség jelentette a felhatalmazást, valamint a függetlenséget. Miután 1976-ban bevándorol az U.S.-re, valamint elvesztette karrierjét, valamint a függetlenséget, a szépség volt az egyetlen dolog, amit anyám fenntarthat. No matter exactly how difficult things became, she got out of bed every morning as well as performed her beauty regimen with precision as well as allegiance.”

Szeretném látni ezt a kijelzőt a London V & A múzeumában, Frida Kahlo-ban, így önmagát, csak hogy lássam a sminkjét. Revlont használta, Coty és Talika!

Ha elmész, akkor láthatod, hogy fényes rózsaszín revlon elpirul, előnyben részesített rúzs (az úgynevezett “minden rózsás”), valamint egy körömlakk “hollóvörös”.

British makeup brand Jecca is new to me, however I’ll be on the lookout for it, as well as obviously it’s on L’Oreal’s radar, too.

It was started in 2015 by makeup artist Jessica Blacke, who began offering makeover sessions to the transgender women in her hometown of Cardiff, Wales, after hearing a few of her clients talk about exactly how they felt overlooked by the huge beauty brands. In response, she introduced her own on the internet store with products that cater to specific needs, like covering “beard shadow,” which is when facial hair growth is visible under the skin.

Köszönöm a fül féregjét, Jennifer!

Hogyan viseljen egy alapítványt három különböző módon

Szóval, ki fog sütni velem?!

#Sorrynotsorry a csokoládé chip cookie recept, az úton, mivel teljesen tévedném, hogy egyedül kell tennem. Légy haver, és süss egy tételt velem. Kérem? GYERÜNK!


Más hírekben, a mai és az El Hub 12. évfordulója, így a keleti öbölre vezetünk, hogy ebédeljen, és elkapják a filmet. Bármit is csinálsz, látványos hátralévő részében, valamint egy csodálatos hétvége. majd beszélünk.

A barátságos közösségi szépségfüggő,


túlságosan szembe kell néznie, így a rejtegető (28 dollár)
Nyilvánvaló, hogy az elmém az ereszcsatornában van, mert a leghosszabb ideig helytelenül gondoltam, hogy ez a túlságosan arccal rejtegető ténylegesen jobban megnevezett, mint a szexre rejtő, és nem született ilyen módon rejtegető, haha!

És természetesen, mert azt gondoltam: “Hogyan lehet a rejtő jobb, mint a szex? I don’t even know… then again, a good concealer can be pretty darned orgasmic…” LOL! Igen. piszkos madár.


Ezzel a nyár elején kijött, 28 dollár és 10 árnyalatban kapható.

Mint néhány más arcú termék, magában foglalja a bőrbarát összetevőket, mint például a kókuszvizet (nagyon halvány kókuszdió illatú is) és a hialuronsav, amely túlságosan szembe kell néznie, sokkal több hidratálóvá teszi, és sokkal inkább segíti a simább fiatalos megjelenés.

Az igazságot meg kell mondani … soha nem tudom megmondani, hogy ha a bőrápolási összetevők sok különbséget tesznek, amikor megjelennek a sminkemben, de a homegirlnek szüksége van minden segítségre.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

Vásárolj most

Ez így született, egy teljes lefedettség rejtő, és úgy érzi, mint egy bolyhos mousse. Legjobb le a denevérről, a konzisztenciára, a simító képletre és a lefedettségre emlékeztet a NARS sugárzó krémes rejtegető, amely számos évig terjedő erémi voltam, és még mindig szeretem.

But I absolutely have to set born This way with powder, which I don’t have to finish with NARS Radiant Creamy, because if I don’t, the smooth, creamy formula scoots around… I think it might be best on the borderline, Csak egy TAD szélén túl krémes a kombinációs bőremre. És néha, még akkor is, ha egy porral állítom be, még mindig sokkal több, mint szeretném.


Ha nem kell aggódnia a finom vonalak miatt, szerencsés! – Valószínűleg kihúzhatja. Számomra azonban valószínűleg ragaszkodnom kell a nagy fegyverekhez, mint a jelenlegi próbált és igazi rejtegető szerelem, Sephora Bright Future Gel Crealer. A szemem az emoji szívébe fordul, amikor megérintem a csövet.

A barátságos környéke Charmfüggő,


I understand it’s a huge pattern now to technique out your home in holiday design best after Halloween, as well as I completely get it. I get thrilled about Christmas, too, however I gotta force myself to sluggish my roll, since Thanksgiving likewise counts!

I likewise get the desire to quick ahead to Christmas, however T-Day is worthy of its due. It’s one of the most meaningful holidays, as well as not just since of the pecan pie (well…). I typically likewise get to spend some additional time with El Hub, since he takes a couple additional days off from work when he can, as well as then I just like hanging out with good friends as well as family, as well as feeling comfortable as well as safe, as well as taking in the sights as well as smells of fall. It’s a pointer to be grateful.


And, of course, the food is awesome.

It is though.

Which leads me to Thanksgiving decor. ever because getting the new couch, I’ve been wanting to add some color as well as de-neutralize the room, as well as I was lured to jump best in with the Christmassy accessories, however I chose to take my own guidance as well as slowed my roll. So, I did an autumnal/Thanksgiving style with throw pillows as well as a wreath.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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Haver! I don’t understand why throw pillows are so stressful. I was chatting with a good friend a couple weeks ago, as well as she stated that it took her six trips to HomeGoods to work out the pillow circumstance in her living room.

It took me about the exact same amount of time, HAHA! I had a difficult time choosing on like… I dunno, I always see photos of sectional couches with pillows that look purposefully mismatched, however they still work together, as well as it was difficult for me to figure out exactly how to discover things that weren’t as well uniform looking (?).

I started out trying to do matchy pillows, however nothing looked rather right, so I googled photos of sectionals with couches as well as discovered that, in practically all of the pictures, there are an unequal number of pillows. It’s practically always either five or seven.

The bigger sectionals normally have seven throw pillows — each of them different. then I checked out a publish on a embellishing blog that talked about how, when you pull together a group pillows for a couch, believe of the pillows as working within a color scheme. That completely assisted me.

It lastly came together when I discovered an autumnal wreath as well as the pillow with pumpkins as well as leaves. I liked the colors as well as ended up complying with their lead in selecting the other the pillows for the couch. I looked for rust, orange, wine, burgundy as well as gold, as well as for different textures, as well as ultimately brought together a lot of pillows that match (I believe so) however aren’t identical.

LOL! I get that this has been a great deal of pillow talk, however it was so much harder than I believed it would be!

Point is, if you’re searching for pillows to embellish your area with, begin with one that you love, as well as utilize that color combination as a jumping-off point.

One of the things about these pillows, by the way, is that they make it so good to get comfortable in the corner as well as read. I like curling up on the couch with a book as well as a blanket as well as reading.

Speaking of getting comfortable as well as reading, right here are some stories that caught my eye this week…

Pretty soon we may have the capability to practically try on our makeup with the assist of AI (artificial intelligence) that was originally established for safety and security as well as defense purposes. This was by far the most fascinating story I checked out this week, as well as all I have to state is GOOOOOOO SCIENCE!

For my Hawaii peeps: y’all are getting a new La Labo store at the Ala Moana buying center.

If your dog’s Christmas desire listing includes perfume (totally reasonable), you can now gift him or her this cologne made particularly for canines. Díszes!

Scented lingerie is a thing now. This lingerie line offers underthings made with handcrafted French lace as well as woven from threads that have been scented with aromatic microcapsules of perfume.

MAC is doing a partnership with Puma, as well as um…if they do some MAC-branded Pump sneakers, I will FREAKING lose MY SH*T.

There’s been a great deal of talk right here in the us lately about enhanced FDA policies on cosmetics. Last May, Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-California) as well as Susan Collins (R-Maine) reintroduced the personal care products security Act (S1113), as well as senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) just recently suggested the S2003 FDA cosmetic security as well as Modernization Act as an alternative. right here are the differences between the two acts.

A lady is suing Sephora as well as declaring that she got herpes from a rúzsminták.

A színes nők fokozatosan képesek befolyásolni a kozmetikai piacot a vásárlásokkal.

Vigyázzon egy új folyékony rúzsra húgynyi varázsa november 23-án (!).

Élvezze a hétvégét, a barátomat! Hadd értem meg, mit csinálsz.


A barátságos közösségi bájfüggő,


P.S. Elégedett szakemberek napja!

charm gifts for everybody on your list, including yo’ self. That’s the Clarins Tonic candle ($75), by the way, which will make your house odor like a spa.
I believe the very best holiday gifts are the ones you’re lured to purchase for yourself, so if you occur to “accidentally” keep a few things that were originally implied to be gifts for peeps on your list, well, far be it from me to reject you some fantastic holiday charm booty.


From stocking stuffers to full-on high-end treats, I’ve rounded up my faves below for friends, family, frenemies and, let’s get genuine — yourself.


MAC small Pigments, $10 — Technically, these aren’t under $10, however they’re close. has anybody in the history of all MAC-kind ever completed an entire jar of MAC Pigment, ever? These minis ought to last you your gift recipient a long time, as well as they don’t expense an arm as well as a leg. try Blue-Brown or Tan!

Urban Decay Vice liquid Lipsticks, $9 — These long-lasting, pigmented liquid lippies are typically $18 each however are 50% off best now.

Topshop Bunny Veil Headband, $9.99 — For your glam good friend who’s all about the extras and/or doesn’t leave the home without some type of animal accessory on her person. I’d really like this for myself, even though I have no concept where I’d wear it.

OPI like OPI XOXO nail Lacquer Duo w/ cosmetic Bag, $9 — This set’s marked down from $18. What a take for two full-sized bottles as well as a bag. OPI has one of the longest long lasting lacquer formulas around, as well as that red as well as deep plum would look great all year long.

MAC small Lipglass Kit, $10 — This lovable stocking stuffer includes three minis.

Ardell small faves Lash Lookbook + Duo, $10 — Ardell does bad-@ss budget plan lashes that look extravagant as well as feel comfy, too! This set has three pairs.

Mini MAC Pigments, $10 each
OPI like OPI XOXO 4 PC small Set, $7.35 — OK, so, in some cases I have trubs painting my paws with small polishes, however I might make it work for this price. originally $14.50, this set includes a red, black, dark purple as well as charcoal in OPI’s signature long-wearing formula.

3 pack of EOS Hand Lotion, $5.97 — These adorable as well as non-greasy EOS hand lotions quickly in shape into a handbag or pocket. I understand since I went with a phase where I was stashing them everywhere.

Soap & Glory Hand & Foot gift Set, $7.99 — I practically just composed “Hoof & Foot gift Set…” however don’t worry, this hydrating set for hands as well as feet is for people. Not horses.

Kristin Ess signature Shampoo + signature Hair Conditioner Set, $10 — Yo. So this woman cuts L.C.’s (as in Lauren Conrad’s) hair, as well as her aesthetic is on point. I haven’t tried these products yet, however I REALLY, truly want to based on the trendy packaging alone. If somebody gifted this to me, I’d presume it was from Nordstrom or SpaceNK.

Kristin Ess Reconstructive wetness Mask + Leave-In Conditioner Set, $10 — one more classy looking Kristin Ess hair set.

Stunna Lip paint Fenty Beauty, $24 — While I was Christmas buying at Sephora the other day, half the personnel was using this matte red liquid lipstick. It looked remarkable on everyone, so I ended up getting a tube for a good friend of mine. I have a feeling this red will widely rock.

Zip pouch by Catseye London, $12 — since cats.

Too great for institution Max in Pocket Lip Balm, $12 — I have this as well as like it mainly since it’s cute. The lip balm’s quite moisturizing, too! This would be an lovable stocking stuffer.

Fenty charm Stunna, $24
Soap & Glory Pink huge Gift, $20 — A ton of stuff includes this body set, like clean On Me shower Gel, Scrub Of Your Life Body Buffer, Righteous Butter, Hand Food Hand Cream, Heel brilliant Foot Cream, as well as a very sudsy shower puff as well as headband. It’s originally $40 however on sale for 50% off best now, which is a overall deal. I’ve tried all of the products in the set on different occasions, as well as I like them all. Soap & Glory products are quite heavily scented, as an FYI, as well as the notes are on the girly side (think the old Dior miss Cherie).

Caudalie winter season Duo, $12 — This two-piece set has a lip conditioner as well as my preferred hand cream of all time. Seriously, it’s the best! It takes in quickly, doesn’t make my skin feel greasy, as well as it moisturizes the living crap outta dry skin, cuticles as well as nails.

Kevyn Aucoin Neo Trio, $35 (originally $58) — I evaluated this trio of deal with powders a couple weeks ago, as well as now it’s marked down from the original $58 price! Now, you might provide the entire thing away, however nobody will judge you if you keep the bronzer as well as the highlighter for yourself. Csak mondom.

Kristin Ess working structure Spray + beach Wave Spray Set, $14 — Clearly, I’m enamored with this Kristin Ess chick’sstílus.

Essie Celebration, $12.99 — four minis, including one of the very best shades Essie’s ever done: Mint candy Apple.

Pacifica Roll On as well as Body Butter Duo holiday Set, $12.99 — Pacifica’s moisturizing Body Butters don’t feel heavy, as well as this scent, Island Vanilla, smells like vacation.

Dove guy Care, $14.99 — If you’re like me as well as online with a dude who would most likely end up showering with meal soap if delegated his own devices, please assist save that guy from himself. I purchase Dove for guy stuff for El Hub all the time, as well as even though he won’t admit it (“They’re as well fancy!”), I understand he likes them.

Real methods Eye Glam Set, $14.99 — I like genuine methods brushes. They’re soft, they can take a beating, as well as they work great! They’re economical too. This set has four eye brushes that somebody might utilize day in, day out. ideal for the makeup beginner in your life.

Harry’s grooming gift set – 5 piece winter season Blue, $14.99 — Harry’s is new to me, however this set appears like a great, helpful grooming set for a hip brother, uncle, cousin or dad.

Origins feel great Candle, $35 — Serenity now!

Tarte Pout Pleasures Lip Set, $42 — These five silky matte pencils feel fabulous on my lips.

Tocca Hair fragrance in Stella, $28 — Tocca’s outstanding Stella hair fragrance is so indulgent as well as special. With notes of blood orange as well as freesia, it’s one of those widely attractive scents that I believe many anybody will love. I utilize it after I work out to rapidly freshen up. For your sister, finest good friend or work wife.

Origins feel great Candle, $35
R+Co many desired Set, $49 — Whatever, I’m purchasing this for myself. It has two of the very best of the very best R+Co products — High Dive Leave-In Conditioner (I’m on my third bottle; it’s that serious) as well as death Valley dry Shampoo.

Slip sleep Mask, $45 — I’d never purchase this silky sleep mask for myself, however somebody provided me the pink one as a gift a few years ago, as well as I freakin’ like it! It’s soooo soft, as well as it doesn’t hurt my eyes or feel as well tight on my head.

Anything from the MAC Jade Jagger collection, $28-46 — Seriously, one of the very best MAC collections in years. whatever feels high end as well as extremely Chanel- as well as Hourglass-inspired!

Tocca wardrobe Collection, $30 — I’ve yet to satisfy a woman who doesn’t like Tocca. This set has seven of their bestselling scents.

BeautyBlender Gold Mine Set, $40 — A excellent value for two BeautyBlenders, a blotting set as well as a cleanser.

Burberry joyful charm Box, $40 — I desire this set with Burberry minis had much more color choices available, however it sure looks luxe!

Fresh finest of Beauty, $50 — exactly how fun! You can color the box since this skin care set includes a couple of coloring pencils. includes the Soy deal with Cleanser, Vitamin Nectar Vibrancy-Boosting deal with Mask, Lotus youth protect deal with cream with very 7 Complex, Black Tea Age-Delay Eye Concentrate (I’ve utilized the Black Tea line as well as liked it) as well as Sugar advanced therapy Lip Treatment.

Malin + Goetz Rum Body Set, $50 — I guarantee you won’t odor like a booze cruise. This scent is surprisingly clean as well as fresh, like laundry, as well as the body moisturizer is very rich.

Fresh finest of charm Set, $50
Smith & Cult Foil, shine as well as radiate Set, $50 — I wear Smith & Cult polishes since I can get a full week’s worth of color without chips. The glitters, especially, wear like iron. This set has three full-sized bottles, which are typically $18 each.

Oribe dry styling Set, $75 — state it with me now: oahr-BAE! two well-known products from the line grace this set — the volumizing dry Texturizing Spray as well as blowout-extending Gold Lust dry Shampoo. Both are cray costly as well as cray good.

Tarte huge blush Vol. 3, $60 — Tarte’s amazonian clay blushes last hella long on all kinds of skin.

Jo Malone London miniatures candle Collection, $100 — I haven’t tried any type of of Jo Malone’s candles, however if they odor like her perfumes, they ought to be nothing short of perfection.

Oribe dry styling Set, $75
Sunday Riley bright young thing visible Skin Brightening Kit, $90 — Yep, I’m a great Genes evangelist! You get a bottle of it, together with C.E.O. fast Flash Brightening Serum, as well as a moisturizer called Tidal Brightening Enzyme Water cream (good for typical as well as oily skin).

Tom Ford Eye color Quad in nude Dip, $85 — one of these days, all of the hints I continue dropping on El Hub about TF’s well-known nude/neutral quad will be heard. Here’s one more one that will most likely go unnoticed, yet again.

Molton brown small Body laundry Collection, $50 — This is the very best smelling body laundry IMO. The only things that might make it much better would be 1) if it were free, as well as 2) if the bottles were full size!

Clarins introduction Calendar, $125 — This cute, useful gift is stuffed to the gills with Clarins body as well as deal with care faves like the charm Flash Balm, Hand as well as nail treatment Cream, as well as immediate Light natural Lip Perfector.

Chanel Eye Set in Go semleges, 128 $ – egyébként megértette, hogy “Chanel Superhero termékek összejönnek, hogy az álmok valóra váljanak.” includes three full-sized products — the Tissé d’Automne quad, Stylo Yeux Long-Lasting eyeliner in mat Taupe as well as a tube of Le volume de Chanel Mascara in Noir. Van egy korlátozott kiadás aláírási tasak is.

Clarins Bevezetés Naptár, $ 125
Tom Ford Soleil Cheek, valamint a szemkombináció a napenergia-expozícióban, 155 $ – FIGYELMEZTETÉS: Az Ön ügylete fagyasztható a? Emoji Amikor lila és barna kombinációját látja ebben az új szemben, valamint az arcpaletta.

Jo Malone Köln Gyűjtemény, 115 $ – 0,3-oz. minis of five bestselling scents, including Lime Basil & Mandarin, English Pear & Freesia, Nectarine blossom & Honey, English Oak & Redcurrant, as well as wood Sage & Sea Salt.

Slip a varázsa alvás rózsaszín kollekció, 109 $ – Ez a pontosan ugyanaz a rózsaszín alvó maszk, amelyet korábban említettem a listában, de egy olyan készletben, amely szintén tartalmaz egy megfelelő selymes párnahót.

Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Set, 185 $ – Minden személy, akit valaha is feltétlenül szerettem.

Urban bomlás Naked4some Vault, $ 185 – négy változat a meztelen kombináció a Legfelsőbb Ud Junkie számára.

Molton brown Rosa absolute Sumptuous Collection, $150 — A extravagant body care set of rose-scented full-sized products. Tartalmaz egy palackot Molton Brown jól ismert testmosója, a lotion, parfüm és testolaj mellett.

A barátságos közösségi bájfüggő,


ZING! felejtsd el a kávét. These plumping $10 Soap & Glory sexy mother Pucker Lip Plumping Glosses will really wake you up.
Szexi anya Pucker, Shakin ‘, hogy @ss! Shakin ‘, hogy @ss! Shakin ‘, hogy @ss!

Haha! Szeretem ezt a herceg dalt, és egy olyan név, mint a szexi anya pucker, tudod, hogy oda kell mennem.


Nekem volt. Nak nek.

Funny thing is, whenever I hear that song, I always think, “Why are these people yelling at me to shake my butt?” Bár azt hiszem, ha van valami, hogy tényleg lőttek fel, akkor butt remegés …



Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

Vásárolj most

Oké, így jellemzően a zsíros fényesekkel, egy kicsit elvársz, tudod, és talán még egy kis csípő, de oh, a gawwww, úgy érzem, mintha egy méhkas vagyok az első két percig ezek. Komolyan.

Hát majdnem.

And my lips (especially my bottom lip, for some reason) really does look plump and stung. Úgy értem, ez nem igazi háziasszonyok narancssárga megyei ajkak kaliber, de teljesen látom a különbséget.

Mosolyogj a csípésen! Az árnyékot és ragyogást az úton viselem.
A szexi anya Puckers 10 dollár, mindegyik, nem ragadós és öt színben jön, és a két megpróbáltam, Candy Queen és Rose & Rose, annyira puszta, hogy sokkal többé-kevésbé ugyanolyan nézd meg az ajkamon.

Ó, és erősen illeszkednek a barna cukor … de nem igazán észrevettem az időt, mert túlságosan elfoglalt vagyok az intenzív bizsergőn keresztül.

Rövid távú ajakzslumper, igen, dolgoznak, de WIMP vagyok, szóval nem tudom, milyen gyakran viselem őket.


Ha kíváncsi vagyok (vagy talán egy büntetéshez), megtalálja a szexi anya puckers a szappan és dicsőség vonala a gyógyszertárak, a cél és az ultta.

A barátságos környéke Charmfüggő,


#macxlarlarlee matt rúzs, az interneten az interneten az április 20-án
MAC is back in the #collab #influencer game, as well as this time around they’ve partnered with 10 YouTube as well as Instagram influencers on a new line of 10 restricted edition on the internet special worldwide lipsticks introducing in different countries over the next Néhány hónap 17 dollárért. Ha meg akarja nyomon követni őket, akkor lehet, hogy jó barátokat kell készíteni az Egyesült Királyságban, Kanadában, Brazíliában, a Közel-Keleten, Franciaországban, Németországban, valamint Ausztráliában.

Here in North America, the two Lipsticks introducing are Matte LarLarLee as well as Satin Gabriel Zamora, collabs made with YouTubers Laura Lee as well as Gabriel Zamora.


Az interneten április 20-án jelennek meg.

Laura as well as Gabriel both have full-on glam makeup styles, however I truly like that they produced lipsticks that can work well with dressed down (more my style lately) or incredibly glam looks.

Laura Lee


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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Gabriel Zamora

Matt rúzs a #Macxlarlarlee-ben

Warm palish nude beige #MACxLarLarLee Matte Lipstick is the matte-est of the mattes on my lips. Teljesen nincs fény, amely rendkívül magas divat / szerkesztői Vogue-Ish néz ki, azt hiszem.

#Macxlarlarlee az ajkán
Tetszik, hogy pontosan milyen sima és pigmentált, de meg kell győződnöm, hogy az ajkaim nagy formában vannak, hogy viseljék, mivel elkapja az iTTY-bitty pelyhemet (de előkészíti az ajakbalzsamot).

Szatén rúzs #macxgabrielzamora

Ah, #MACxGabrielZamoraSatin Lipstick takes me back… like #MACxLarLarLee, it does not mess around. Olyan intenzív! Ez egy meleg tégla Brown (SOOO 1995!), Amellett, hogy bár technikailag szatén befejeződik, azt hiszem, sokkal több mattnak tűnik.

Kinda reminds me of MAC Paramount, a.k.a. my very first lipstick like from method back in the day.

That’s Gabriel Zamora on my lips, MAC Teddy liner as well as Cork Eyeshadow on my eyes, MAC next to nothing foundation on my deal with as well as additional dimension blush in telling glow on my cheeks

Néhány évvel ezelőtt meg kell csinálnom egy Mac Collab-ot, valamint az egyik legszebb, sok érdekes dolog, amit valaha is tettem a blogoláshoz. Ha megnézed a smink / szépség foglalkozását, nem lenne nagyszerű, hogy sminkkémikus legyen? Lehet, hogy a smink színeket az Estée Lauder Labs részévé válhat. Amellett, hogy tényleg fizetné ezt !!!!


Helló, álom munka!

A 10 #Macx rúzs kiadási dátum, valamint az országok

#Macxlarlarlee: puha bézs (matt)
Elérhető Észak-Amerika április 20, 2017,

#Macxgabrielzamora: Maly Melegbarna (szatén)
Elérhető Észak-Amerika április 20, 2017,

#Macxfleurdeforce: nagy bézs (cremesheen)
Available UK April 2017 on

#MACxAlessandra: neutral pink (matte)
Available UK April 2017 on

#MACxSamanthaRavndahl: light shell pink (cremesheen)
Available Canada April 2017 on

#MACxVicCeridono: deep berry red (matte)
Available Brazil July 2017 on

#MACxTheRealFouz: filthy increased (matte)
Available middle east June 2017 on

#MACxMarie: creamy neutral beige (glaze)
Available France may 2017 on

#MACxCaroDaur: soft pinky-beige brown(matte)
Available Germany June 2017 on

#MACxNikkiaJoy: grapefruit pink (matte)
Available Australia July 2017 on

A barátságos közösségi fellebbezési addtus,


Van egy új arcpor a városi bomlás hamarosan.
Ha valaha is akarta díszíteni az arcodat drágakövekkel – nem, szó szerint viseljen drágaköveket? Az arcodon – most az esélyed! urban Decay has a new face powder coming out called naked Skin The Illuminizer Translucent pressed beauty Powder.

Gosh, ez egy száj …


Fehér szintetikus zafírja van rajta egy szép, fényes ragyogás.

Fancy hangzik, nem?

Ooh, elegáns csomagolás …

Ez alapvetően olyan Mac szépségpor. Az arcodon át viselheti, mint egy beállító por, vagy használhatja azt célzott kiemelő számára meghatározott területeken.

Csak egy árnyékban jön, de az általánosan hízelgőnek kell lennie. Megépítettem az alábbi swatch-ben, hogy megadjam egy ötletet a színárnyalatról, ami egy kis ezüst csillogó peachy bézs.


Úgy tűnik, hogy a sápadt peeps testre szabott, de még mindig egy kicsit valamit csinál – valami a barnasághoz is. Nem gondoltam, hogy egy olyan barna ember, mint én, képes lenne kihúzni, de valahogy működik, bár egyáltalán nem látja a csillogást. csak a ragyogó opaleszcencia.

Nagyon szeretem, hogyan néz ki a csupasz bőrre. Ez az, amikor az opálos-ness valóban átjön.

Gyústsd meg őket!
Ez is javulási pórus-radírként működik. Esküszöm, hogy az enyém egy kicsit kisebbnek tűnik …

Városi bomlás meztelen bőr A megvilágító áttetsző préselt szépség por összetevők


Városi bomlás Meztelen bőr A megvilágító áttetsző préselt szépségport (szájon át!) Most elérhető a városi bomlást honlapon, és hamarosan Sephora, Ulta és kiválasztja a Macy üzleteit. Ez 34 dollár a 0,31 oz. Pan, és a kompakt rejtett szivacsos applikátorral is rendelkezik.

A barátságos környék szépségfüggő,


A ’90-es évek inspirált ajak – harapás szépség Amuse Bouche rúzs a whiskyben
Ah, a 90-es évek … más néven az én olajos évtizede! Meg kell adnom az arcporokat, amelyek a tizenévesek és a 20-as évek elején – a 20-as évek elején, a Cornsilk préselt por, a cotylsluns laza, a clinique laza por – és természetesen nagy szeretettel rendelkezem a sötétbarna rúzsok számára Visszatérve, nevezetesen Clinique Black Honey (Old School!), Mac Paramount, New York Revlon pirítós.

As for face and body stuff, I went though countless bottles of Cetaphil face wash, and soooo many bottles and tins of Nivea Body lotion and Body Cream…


Gosh, I used to love scooping that first scoop out of that thick body cream they sold in the blue tin! Kíváncsi vagyok, hogy az ón még mindig körül van-e? Meg kell néznem a következő alkalommal, amikor célba megyek.

Ó! — can’t forget the Body shop Grapefruit shower Gel and their old-school Body Butters (back when they were thick and dense).

And for hair products, in college I loved the Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner from the re-branding they did in the mid-’90s, and I also used a lot of Finesse shampoo/conditioner (in the blue bottles).


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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Emlékezz a Tagline-ra? – Semmi kevesebb, mint a finomság.

Then, after I started working full time after college, I was all about the salon lines, and I went through my share of Biolage, Rusk, Redken, and Bumble and Bumble.

Ez vicces … azt gondolnád, hogy hajlamos vagyok felhalmozni, még mindig legalább egy üveg, egy cső vagy egy kompakt, amit használtam, de nem. Bárcsak tartok legalább néhány régi rúzs csöveket …

Természetesen nem használható, hanem a színek összehasonlítása, hogyan vannak ma!


Anywho, mi a “90-es szépségápolási)?

A barátságos környék szépségfüggő,
