love notes to myself.

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, in contrast to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of a lot more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

1. Matte, shimmer or satin blush?

Matte, please, with satin close behind. I rarely do shimmery blushes these days because too much pore drama!

2. Are you having a good day so far?

Yes, so good. I just finished working out, so my limbs have that charming loosey-goosey feeling.


3. Mascara in tiny packaging — your thoughts?

Is it just me, or are tiny mascaras a total sham? They never seem to work quite as well as the full-size tubes. The ones I’ve tried are dry, dry, dry.

4. Do you have a favorite bug?

It’s a tie between monarch butterflies and ladybugs.

5. Last thing you returned?

A J. crew white ruffle collar tee shirt that looked so cute on the model online but on me, not so much.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

Vásárolj most

6. how often do you clean the inside lining of your makeup bag?

Um, not nearly enough. If you know of a makeup bag that I can easily throw in the wash without any drama, do tell.

7. Hair styles that remind you of your teenage years?

Big, fluffy supermodel hair a la Cindy Crawford. even after all these years, it’s still my dream hair.

8. Are you a skin care minimalist or a maximalist?

I’m somewhere in between.

9. A teeny, tiny goal you’d like to accomplish this week?

By the end of the day today, I’d like to reschedule a dentist appointment. Oh, and I need to get some shorts. Why is it so hard to find respectable shorts? The struggle is so real.

Your friendly neighborhood appeal addict,



P.S. here are the questions to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. speak to ya soon.

1. Matte, shimmer or satin blush?
2. Are you having a good day so far?
3. Mascara in tiny packaging — your thoughts?
4. Do you have a favorite bug?
5. Last thing you returned?
6. how often do you clean the inside lining of your makeup bag?
7. Hair styles that remind you of your teenage years?
8. Are you a skin care minimalist or a maximalist?
9. A teeny, tiny goal you’d like to accomplish this week?

P.P.S. hey there and delighted Monday, my friend. sending you an extra big hug full of support and love today, in case ya need it. Take a little time today — even if it’s just for a minute — to tell yourself how terrific you are. You’re the bees knees!

Figyelmeztetni kell: Ez egy szórakoztató, valamint a színes közzététel, hogy nézze meg ezt az imádnivaló tonimoly apró gyümölcs ajak balzsamot:

Tavaly ezt a karácsonyt, valamint élveztem az elmúlt néhány hónapban!

TONYMOLY is a Korean appeal brand understood for having a few of the most charming packaging on the market (see Bunny Pocket mist here). A készlet 4 ízeket tartalmaz: cseresznye, zöld alma, cseresznye paradicsom, valamint áfonya:

Az első dolog, ami kiugrik, az egyes ajakbalzsam alakja! Olyan érzékenyek, mint minden gyümölcs:

Pontosan élvezem, hogy a szárak gumiszerű anyagból készülnek – a cseresznye szórakoztató játék. Mindegyik a ping pong labda méretéről szól.

Minden ajakbalzsam tartalmaz egy műanyag burkolatot – szeretem tartani ezeket a frissesség megőrzésére:

Íme, amit minden ajak balzsam úgy tűnik, mint belül:

Megdöbbentem, hogy a cseresznye egy peachy korall árnyalatát tartalmazta ajakbalzsam – vártam, jól, cseresznye színét. Olyan, mint a cseresznye – ez inkább ember volt, és édes volt.

The eco-friendly Apple was a genuine let down in terms of colour as well as scent. Csak egy eltávolítás volt – Úgy értem, nem akarnak környezetbarát színezett ajkakat? Azonban a szag olyan halvány volt, és semmilyen módon nem ropogós környezetbarát Apple illat – sokkal inkább egy csodálatos sorta alma szaga. Nagyszerűen remélem, hogy erre remélem!

A cseresznye paradicsom meglepte a legtöbbet a szagával, valamint a színével. De ez nem igazán szag, mint a paradicsom – sokkal inkább a lelkesedés gyümölcse.

Az áfonya az egyik kiugrott a legjobb illatú egy – egy nagy lédús csodálatos bogyó szaga, amely remekül emlékeztette nekem az áfonya muffin baba (eper shortcake barátja):

Használtuk, hogy néhány ilyen baba van, és illeszkedtek a megfelelő nevükkel!

Ezek az ajak balzsamok inkább színes csomópontot tartalmaznak:

A sok pigmentált íz az áfonya, valamint a cseresznye paradicsom. A cseresznye egy őszibarack meztelenül jelenik meg az ajkán, ami rendkívül hordható. Környezetbarát Apple olyan lame … Távolítsa el semmit. Ezek a balmok semmilyen módon nem ragaszkodnak az ajkakon, valamint inkább hidratálják. Ők nem olyan hosszúak, de jól használom a helyzetet. Az egyetlen hátránya ezekkel az ajak balzsamokkal, hogy az ujjaimat a potba kell felhívnom, hogy alkalmazzák őket.

Hasonlóképpen szórakoztattam a tetejét, valamint az egyes ajakbalzsai aljáit, hogy Franken-gyümölcsöket készítsenek:

Cseresznye + áfonya = cherryberry, alma + cseresznye = appli, áfonya + cseresznye paradicsom = bluemato, cseresznye paradicsom + öko-barát alma = tomapple

Az ajakbalzsai mindegyike 7 g termékből áll. This set retails for $38 CAD solely from Hudson’s Bay link however the private lip balms are offered from TONYMOLY directly for $10 USD each link. Van egy extra íz, amelyet egyedileg kínálnak: őszibarack. Volt a Toneymoly Peach Kézi krémem, és pontosan pontosan, hogy mennyire kiválóan szagolt, fogadom, hogy az ajakbalzsam is figyelemre méltó.

Megpróbálta ezeket a tonimolyan ajakbalákat? Mi a sok szeretett ajakbalzsam a pillanatban?

Ossza meg ezt:

Kattintson ide, hogy küldjön e-mailt egy jó barátnak (új ablakban nyílik)
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Mint ez:
Mint a betöltés …


Anna Sui Holiday Sweets Ajándék készlet 02 Cukros Sweethis volt része az üdülési 2014-es korlátozott kiadás kiadásának – csak 2 évig későn! Actually, I discovered this earlier this year at Winners so it wasn’t like I’d been sitting on this for 2 years! (De azt értették, hogy megtörténik …;)) Az Anna Sui 2014 …
2016. december 14. “szépség”

Sephora Kiss Me Balmi azt tervezte, hogy ezt a közzétételt a húsvéti közzétételhez azonban kétségtelenül ez nem történt meg. Megpróbáltam összekapcsolni ezt a terméket egy húsvéti stílusban, mivel a tojás alakú: gyenge, tudom! : P Megvan a hihetetlenül csókok, akik karácsonyra vannak a harisnya. A készlet maga …
Március 30, 2016 “szépség”

Az ajak terméktisztítás 2016-os valakinek, aki önmagát szakított nem rúzs Junkie … Úgy tűnik, sok ajaktermékek. And all of us understand that lipsticks don’t have a long lifespan – really, one must be tossing lip products about 18 months after opening. Nem vagyok több mint 18 hónapnál hosszabb ideig tartani az enyém! …
Február 17, 2016 “szépség”

Rengetegénbben gondolkodtam hobbira, és csak a dolgokat csinálom, mert az, mert örömet hoznak neked.

Úgy érzem, hogy olyan hosszú ideig felnőttek, hogy olyan sokáig tartottam – csak az egyik feladatról a következő pillanatban, amikor a szemem reggel nyitottak, amíg éjszaka nem haladok ki. Annyira szoktam, hogy folyamatosan olyan produktív módban vagyok, hogy a pihenés idegennek érzi magát, és amikor megpróbálom megakadályozni a strukturálatlan időt, hogy mindent megteszek, hogy mit akarok, a sürgetés, hogy mosoda vagy bármilyen más, ami a látszólag soha a teendők listájára.


Még mindig szeretem a sminkkel játszani, természetesen, de utóbbi időben nem viseltem annyira. A sütés és a főzés a hobbijaim is volt, de most ezek a dolgok úgy érzik, mint a házimunka, mivel én vagyok a házunkban, aki általában mindenkit táplál. Side Note: Nem emlékszem arra, hogy mi az, hogy olyan, mintha az étel csak szeretne csodálatosan megjelenni a reggelire, ebédre és vacsorára. Mágikusnak kell lennie!

Bárki, szeretnék találni egy pihentető hobbit, amely nem érzi a munkát, így voltam ötletgyűjtő dolgokat, amiket az új évben szeretnék kipróbálni. Eddig a potenciális új hobbiok listáján: a sziklamászás (egy új fedett tornaterem, amely éppen kinyílt, de a világ folyamatos állapotával nem vagyok biztos abban, hogy valami ilyesmit veszek fel most), a régi bútorok finomítása (i kedves) Szeretné ezt megtenni, így elkezdhetem az elektromos kéziszerszámok gyűjtését!) és zenei hangszert tanulhatok.


És veled mi van? Ha elkezdené a hobbit az új évben, mi lenne az? Azt is szeretném hallani, hogy bármilyen jelenlegi hobbi is van!

A barátságos környék szépségfüggő,


You guys, I have 3 months’ worth of trash stash to share with you! I wanted to post this last week but we were in the middle of refurnishing our place and we didn’t even have dinning room table / chairs or a couch. but there’s no excuse that I left this for 3 months… I have no one to blame but myself!

I didn’t even bother trying to fit everything in this shot.
I understand if you may want to choose a coffee break while reading this post. I’d just be delighted if you read the beginning and the ending like I used to make with each chapter of Harlequin romance novels! I’ve broken my trash stash into 2 articles to minimize the length – here goes:


Trader Joe’s Nourish All-in-one Facial Cleanser – $6USD for 250ml
I had read good things about this somewhere online and asked my coworker to pick this up when he was checking out the us (we do not have Trader Joe’s here in Canada… why?!) I was rather disappointed that this face wash is lackluster: it has a watery texture, it doesn’t lather well, and it smells like dry wall? On the plus side, it doesn’t leave a residue on my skin and didn’t irritate my skin. and it was also very cheap.
Stash worthiness: 6/10     Repurchase: No

Marcelle Oil-Free Eye make-up remover lotion – $13.95 for 200ml (this was a perk size bottle, usually it’s 150ml)
This isn’t a lotion in the standard sense of the word. It’s a somewhat soapy liquid. I find it quite effective in removing my eye makeup after I’ve taken off a lot of of it with my oil cleanser. It performs similarly to the Rimmel gentle Eye makeup remover – I wouldn’t say it has the ability to break down stubborn waterproof eye makeup without the aid of a oil cleanser. I do like that it doesn’t leave any oily residue.
Stash érdemesség: 8/10 visszavásárlás: Igen

Good things Acai Berry Multi-Tasking Micellar Water – $6 for 250ml
Found this at Winners and saw that it’s made in the UK and made a decision to give it a whirl. I did not like it because it is a very soapy formula that left a sticky residue on my skin. In fact, as I’m wiping my face with this on a cotton pad, this lathers up with a foamy texture. I do follow this up with a toner which helps to remove the residue. as for its cleansing properties, I found it to be not great. I did a comparison with my beloved Yves Rocher micellar water and this got off about half of what YR did. I also did not care for the scent – it smelled like a mixed berry juice box.
Stash worthiness: 3/10     Repurchase: No

Yves Rocher 3 Detoxifying Teas Micellar Cleansing Water – $19 for 200ml
Speaking of which, my HG micellar water! and now discontinued. **swear words** I have 3 a lot more bottles left. I’ve tried all of YR’s other micellar waters and none come close to this.
Stash worthiness: 10/10     Repurchase: 

Dr Brandt XYY Xtend Your youth dual fusion Water – $32USD
This was another Winners find. I’ve not tried Dr Brandt skincare before but I liked this quite a bit. I mean this is indicated to be a micellar type water, but I used it as my third cleansing step (after cleansing oil, and micellar water). The scent is a little medicinal but not offensive. I found it effective for removing any remaining makeup residue and it did not feel extreme on the skin. The hinge on the lid did brreak at about 2/3 of the way through the product.

There is a statement on the box that “due to the presence of botanical ingredients, this product may change in colour over time.” The liquid was an amber colour ideal out of the box so it’s possible that it’s older stock.
Stash érdemesség: 8/10 visszavásárlás: Igen

The face shop Oil specialist Pore clean Cleansing Oil – $20 for 200ml
This doesn’t clean my makeup well and leaves a silicone-y feeling residue on my skin after rinsing off.

It’s mineral oil based, which I don’t typically have an issue with.
I had high hopes for this but I think it contributed to clogging my skin.  I got this during a 40% off sale.
Stash worthiness: 3/10     Repurchase: No

Clinique moisture surge Intense Moisture surge intense Skin Fortifying Hydrator – $46 for 50ml
I’ve been delinquent in posting my favourites but this product is provided in my draft that was indicated to be posted back in June. This cream is excellent! I’m not shocked that would have been on my favourites list considering that I gotten this full size jar because I fell in love with the gwp size. proof that those gwp samples do work! This product is a best daytime moisturizer as it creates an ideal canvas for foundation to be applied on top – my skin is hydrated but not overly oily. This is the “Intense” version which is indicated for “dry to dry combination” skin. This jar lasted me about 4 months with daily use.
Stash worthiness: 10/10     Repurchase: Yes

Consonant Ultra Moisturizing face cream – $49 for 50ml
This is a good day time face cream that I like for the warmer months. I don’t love the smell of it – although it doesn’t have added fragrance, it smells a little medicinal but I’ve been told it’s due to the olive oil.
Stash érdemesség: 8/10 visszavásárlás: Igen

Timeless Skin care 20% Vitamin C + E Ferulic Acid Serum – $36.99 for 30ml
This is a great vitamin C at a affordable price. It doesn’t beat the Paula’s choice Vitamin C Booster for me but it does leave my skin looking radiant and helped to minimize hyperpigmentation. I kept this product in the fridge to maintain its freshness – a sign of vitamin C products “gone bad” is when they turn colour (ranging from yellow to orange to brown) – this serum stayed a clear liquid the whole time during the 3 months of usage. I’m going to try one of the vitamin C options from The ordinary next.
Stash érdemesség: 9/10 visszavásárlás: Igen

Caudalie Vinosource Moisturizing Sorbet – $48 for 40ml
I tried to use this as my daytime cream but it pills up and looks badly under makeup so I ended up using it in the evenings. This has a gel / mousse type of texture that doesn’t absorb too well into the skin. I don’t find it to be deeply hydrating for my skin. They’ve changed the tube design to pink now, in case you’re wondering if it’s the same product. The tube lasted me about 2 months with nightly use.
Stash érdemesség: 5/10 visszavásárlás: Nem

Illamasqua Matte Veil – $48 for 30ml
I love the Illamasqua Hydra Veil so when they launched the matte version, I thought I’d love it just as much. Unfortunately, this doesn’t do it for me. I found it clung to dry patches but also didn’t do its intended function of mattifying my skin. The texture and smell is an unappealing diluted strawberry yogurt. After having this opened but unfinished for a couple of years in my stash, I finally used this up during the warmer months.
Stash érdemesség: 5/10 visszavásárlás: Nem

The Body shop drops of youth Eye Concentrate – $32 for 10ml
I love me a metal eye roller and this one didn’t disappoint – I pointed out this in my favourites earlier this year. I observed that TBS has repackaged this in a black tube (but still with the roller ball) and added the word “serum” at the end of the name. It’s pricey but I picked it up during their 40% off sale.
Stash érdemesség: 9/10 visszavásárlás: Igen

The label reads: Material: Rayon / Ingredients: Water, Ethanol, BG, PG, Methylparaben, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizinate, Citric Acid NA, Dimenthicone, Peach leaf Extract, Laureth-2, Laureth-21
MUJI Cleansing Sheets – $1.50 for 12 sheets
Disappointed by these. The sheets have an open mesh construction which felt scratchy on my skin. The option felt high in alcohol content which dried out my skin. Plus, they did not successfully remove my makeup. This is the only MUJI skincare that I’ve tried that haven’t cared for.
Stash worthiness: 4/10     Repurchase: No

Lip Smacker in chocolate Mint – $4 for 4g
I picked this up last year because it was promoted as a “retro” flavour and I do really like chocolate mint flavoured things, but I was a bit let down by this. First, I was expecting it to be a brown colour, instead it’s a mint colour (I guess I had a 50/50 chance). Then, the flavour is weak on both the chocolate and mint fronts. Moisturization level was just so-so. There’s an EOS peppermint Mocha holiday limited edition flavour that I’m highly curious about.
Stash worthiness: 6/10     Repurchase: No

Holika Holika I want Chu lip balm in Cola – $12 for 2
Now this – I love! This came in a set of 2, one is Cola and the other Cherry. The idea was that the Cherry one is for the girl and Cola one is for kid – when they smooch, you get cherry cola! I personally took pleasure in the Cola one a lot more than the Cherry so I used this one up completely whereas the Cherry one is barely touched. This gave a hint of tint on the lips and tasted faintly sweet with a fairly authentic bubbly cola scent. I wish I could repurchase this flavour alone.
Stash worthiness: 10/10     Repurchase: Yes

Owl Lip Balm in Mint – 1.5g
I love owls and got this as a present from a friend. The lip balm located in the owl’s butt and is minty and has bits of multi-coloured glitter in it.  This is a lot more for fun than actual use. I won’t rate this considering that it was a gift!

Kose Babyish clear turn Sheet Masks – ¥300 (~$3.50) for 7 masks
This was a highly recommended item to get when I checked out Japan. This resealable pouch holds 7 sheet masks – they’re not individually packaged inside, each mask is just folded and stacked against each other. This is a great concept to minimize waste. Where this mask failed me is how oddly shaped the masks are – they’re much broader than they are long so the sides tend to start peeling away from my face. Also, the serum is thin like water so the sheets do not want to adhere to my skin. I learned that this blue packaging is indicated to be a whitening type which is why when I remove the mask, my skin looks paler (was quite a shock when I used it the first time). The effect is momentary though – I do not see any significant improvements over the course of the 7 consecutive days that I used these masks for. I certainly did not get baby skin! One good thing I will say about these masks (aside from the minimized packaging) is that they’re unscented. another good thing, they’re very inexpensive!
Stash érdemesség: 5/10 visszavásárlás: Nem

The Creme shop Blueberry face Mask – $1.13
Basic sheet mask with a thicker sheet material. This didn’t consist of too much serum, and it was quite watery so it evaporated quickly. The scent didn’t smell like blueberries, a lot more like a faint fruity body spritz.
Stash worthiness: 6/10     Repurchase: No

Malibu Glitz Snail lifting & Moisturizing Facial Mask – $1.13
Similar to the previous mask from this brand, the serum irritated my eyes as it evaporated.
Stash worthiness: 6/10     Repurchase: No

Mediheal Platinum V-Life essential Mask – $1.30 ($12.99 for 10 masks) x3
My go-to sheet mask at the moment. I examined this as part of my 30 Day masking Challenge. My goal is to finish the full box of these by the end of the year – I have 5 left.
Stash érdemesség: 9/10 visszavásárlás: Igen

Yves Rocher After sun Hydrogel SOS Mask – $13
This was 2 piece mask and was pretty great – had a good amount of serum for a hydrogel material. Didn’t see obvious results except for additional momentary hydration on the skin.  There’s so much dang packaging with this single use mask! pleased I snagged this for $5.
Stash érdemesség: 7/10 visszavásárlás: Nem

7th heaven Dead Sea peel Off Mask – $1.50
I tried another peel off mask from 7th heaven / Montagne Jeunesse (the 2 stage T-Zone peel Off face Masque) and I quite liked it. This mask had a lot to live up to but alas, it wasn’t indicated to be. Firstly, this mask smells like toilet cleaner. It irritated my skin enough that I developed 2 hives while I had it on my face. It did peel off pretty cleanly, leaving a few residues around my nose. My skin did feel very smooth afterward but no enduring effect next morning.
Stash worthiness: 6/10     Repurchase: No

Montagne Jeunesse 2 stage Rescue Mud Masque For problem Prone Skin – $1.50
The only mask in my 30 Day masking challenge that scored 10 out of 10! I hauled a whack of them this summer.
Stash worthiness: 10/10     Repurchase: Yes

Karuna exfoliating Mask – $10 each
As I’m opening the package, I read the alerting “not for sensitive skin” It turned out fine though – there’s a minor tingle on the skin but not painful. The mask is drenched in serum which helped it to adhere well to my skin. The fit of this is nearly best for my face – it even covers my entire fivehead! My skin did feel exfoliated and felt very soft afterwards, thanks to the fruit enzymes in this mask. but is this mask worth $10 though? No. I’d say maybe it’s worth $5. The material of the mask is about on par with The face shop ones which costs $2. I’m pleased I found a pack of 4 for $13 (works out to $3.25 each) at Winners!
Stash worthiness: 9/10     Repurchase: Maybe

Rexall kit premium Square cosmetic Pads – $8.59 for 165 count
These are indicated to be a more affordable dupe to the Shiseido Facial Cottons but don’t fall for the trap! It’s no good – I used these up for removing nail polishes (and even then, it was annoyingly linty). For a more affordable dupe to the Shiseido cotton, try the MUJI cut Cotton one instead!
Stash worthiness: 6/10     Repurchase: No

Close-up of the cotton pad.
The face shop green Tea stone therapy Cotton Pads – $4 for 60pcs
I take pleasure in trying different types of exfoliating cottons (see post here) and this using from The face shop interested me. this one has a fine grit and didn’t irritate my skin but I didn’t find it supplied much exfoliation.  The cotton would break apart while I’m using it too.
Stash worthiness: 6/10     Repurchase: No

That spray diagram amuses me.
Mary Kay makeup Finishin

February just flew by! as well as it’s the last day of the month which indicates it’s time to reveal the champion to my Hoarder stock giveaway.

Are you feeling lucky?

Ezt én csináltam! got it off this meme generator.
Ok, I’ll stop stalling.  as well as the champion is…

Congratulations Mrs Strawberry Blonde! You have won all these goodies:

• Lancôme Auda[City] in Paris Eyeshadow combination – $89
• NYX Avant Pop! shadow combination in Nouveau trendy – $19
• Becca Blushed with Light blush Trio combination – $43
• CoverGirl TruNaked Roses combination – $15
• Quo Mineral shadow combo in downtown brown – $20
• MAC 161 SE Duo Fibre deal with Glider clean – $50
• MAC 217SH Blending clean – $30
• Vasanti Eye necessary 4-piece clean set – $79
• Vasanti blush clean #7 – $29
• MAC Veluxe pro combination Refill Eye shadow pan in youngster – $8
• MAC Frost Eye shadow single in Satin Taupe – $19
• Annabelle single Eye shadows in Suedine as well as Aura – $6 each
• MAC Lipstick in Cosmo – $22
• Milani Baked blush in Corallina – $12
• Milani Illuminating deal with Powder in Beauty’s Touch – $16
• Marcelle Quad Bronzer in Sunkissed – $20
• H&M precision makeup Sponge – $6
• The deal with shop makeup Blender Sponge – $10
• C.O. Bigelow Vanillamint – $8
• Rebels Refinery Skull Lip Balm – $8
Approximate Value: $515

Please get in touch with me by means of email to supply your shipping details!

Thank you to everybody who went into the giveaway as well as told me about your much-loved products, as well as provided me suggestions on blogs to inspect out! 

Please assist me congratulate Mrs Strawberry Blonde!

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Stashy’s Hoarder stock Giveaway!*THIS GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED* champion revealed here. It is generally agreed, I have a hoarding problem. As a parting gift, I’m letting go of a few of the products in my stash, in addition to some goodies I chosen up particularly for this giveaway.  These are all brand new, unused, full-sized…
February 5, 2018In “Beauty”

Stash Matters’ much-loved things Giveaway!Edit: This giveaway has ended!  Winners are revealed HERE. 🙂 considering that it was my Blogiversary yesterday, I made a decision to hold my very first ever giveaway! 😀 These products are a few of my much-loved things – you may have seen me mention these products on the blog or in comments throughout the year. Here’s a…
January 11, 2016In “Beauty”

Massive PurgeYou may recall that the main objective of this blog originally was to minimize my appeal stash. ^^’ I had a three-pronged plan: A) stop getting a lot more (No-Buy / Low-Buy) B) utilize up what I have (empties aka trash Stash) C) get rid of products that I no longer használat…
January 18, 2018In “Beauty”

My blog turns two today!

I really hope it doesn’t go through a phase of awful twos…

I just discovered that WordPress didn’t release an annual report with stats like they did last year – ah well, it’s probably just as well because I’m trying to get away from all the numbers. It just breeds comparisons – we’re all here to blog and oogle at makeup, amirite?

But, I would like to list the messages that were the most popular on the blog that were posted in 2016:

MAC finally totally free Lipstick

Essie Gel Couture Pinned Up & top Coat

Japanese makeup Haul!

I purchased a few things off AliExpress

MAC Masterclass Oval 6 Brush

If you asked me to guess which were my many popular messages without taking a look at the stats, I would maybe guess 2 of these correctly!  It’s so fascinating to me what messages turn out to be the most popular – there’s no science behind this, that’s for sure! My blog grew by much more than 3x in page views from last year, which amazed me – I thought it would be 2x because it was the 2nd year. A big portion of my site hits were from strangers finding my blog through searches – pretty neat.

And here are some highlights relating to the blog from 2016:

• Improved my photography (got a new video camera and added lighting) – they’re subtle differences but just taking a look at my trash stash messages from January vs December, it’s noticeable. Here’s January 2016:

Dang, I used up a lot in January!
And here’s December 2016:

It’s brighter and the image is much more crisp.

• got my own domain / upgraded to Premium: besides not having the “” after “stashmatters” there weren’t that numerous enhancements in the switch. I got to choose my own font. and got much more storage space.

• Engaged brands: most notably I was approached my MUJI to attend a few of their open houses. They’re such a great brand and amazing to work with!

I did a total of 3 brand engagements last year and that was a great start for me.

• expand topics: I posted a few messages on my travels, which were well-received.

• much more active on social media activities: I made a concerted effort to post on Instagram regularly. And, I think I’ve finally gotten the hang of Twitter from all the Twitter parties!  Which brings me to…

• charm Podcast: I became Robin to Cat’s Batman over at the MyLipAddiction charm Podcast! I’m really digging the tights and cape. cat said it was mandatory attire.

• met much more bloggers! this was unplanned but a good side effect to being much more “out there” this year.

When I review my goals from last year, I actually achieved everything I set out to do!

And because I’m goal oriented, here are much more things I’d like to accomplish in 2017 on the blog:

• organize header / menu: I’ve been putting off doing this because I can’t decide the categories that ought to go up there. I might revamp the blog layout – might – but I don’t want to pay too much for a theme.

• Do a bunch of Megaposts. I did one in 2015 (Illamasqua nail Varnish Megapost) and have been implying to do more.

Top of the list: Essie polish collection (and other brands), eye shadow collection by brand (or colour family?), blush swatches, brand focus… these take time and I’m going to put much more effort into them.

• work that Pinterest. I’m going to retroactively pin all my photos on Pinterest. have you discovered when you do an image search, the majority of the results are from Pinterest? It makes sense to get exposure there.

• attend a charm Event. Talán? I am still uncertain about this! I like being behind-the-scenes / low essential but these events seem like fun. and they often serve food. and typically it’s breakfast. You know I’m a sucker for breakfast foods.

• continue to expand topics. I discussed that I’d post much more about fashion and crafts last year but I didn’t do much of those. I’ve got a few knitting products on the go best now, and I plan to post about them.

This blog is a fun hobby for me, but interacting with all of you have made it much much more than just some online place for me to post about makeup. I still can’t believe that real, off-line friendships have formed through blogging about eye shadows and facial oils – it’s a bit crazy to ponder, isn’t it! So thank you, thank YOU, for reading and commenting. It’s been just “tremendous”. XD

Here are my social media if you haven’t connected with me yet:

You’ll want to keep your eyes peeled here since I’m one of those people who like to express thanks through giving stuff away – it’s just how I am, ok? I’m just waiting for a Sephora order.  *shakes fist at slow delivery*

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Get to know me Tag, cA Blogger Editioni-t a gyönyörű Ryane Zamora varázsa jelezte.
Április 21, 2015 “szépség”

Egy év blogversai! Ez a blogom első születésnapja ma! Én vagyok az egy éves boldog mama.
Január 10, 2016 “Általános”

A Real NEAT Blog Díjak a közelmúltban hármas volt a Real NEAT blogdíjért! : D A szabályok! 1) Helyezze a díjat a blogodra. 2) Válasz 7 Kérdés arra, hogy az Ön által kijelölt személy. 3) Köszönöm az a személy, aki kijelölt, összekötve a blog. 4) Jelölje ki a bloggerek számát …
Április 25, 2015 “szépség”

A szenvedés igazi
Helló, és elégedett szerda! Én csak eldobtam Connort az iskolában, és körülbelül 10 perces arcon festettem, amikor meggondoltam, hogy a smink néhány aspektusa egyszerűbb, mint mások. Általában bizonyos dolgokon keresztül repülhetek, mint a blush és a bronzer, de az Eyeshadow teljesen más történet. even when I do a relatively a easy look with just a couple shadows, I still have to think about where I place the color and how high up I can take it. Ha nem, a szemem smink végződik aszimmetrikus.

Bárki, azon tűnődtem, hogy találsz-e bizonyos dolgokat egyszerűbb vagy nehezebb. Itt van a gyorslista!


Olyan dolgok, amelyek viszonylag könnyűek számomra

Szempillaspirál (oldali megjegyzés: Nekem van egy jó formula)



Bázis (szeretném, ha egyszerűen tartom)


Rúzs / fény semleges színekben

Keményen van




Sötét vagy fényes rúzs

Tehát lényegében bármi, ami intenzíven figyeli a szimmetriát!


És veled mi van?

A barátságos környéke Charmfüggő,


Boldog karácsonyt! Remélem, csak egy kicsit rossz volt.

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Blogmas nap 7: Előnyben részesített karácsonyi dalok, úgy gondolod, hogy felhasználtam, hogy énekeljen az egyházi kórusban? Aha. Tweenként szerettem énekelni, de tényleg nem vagyok olyan nagyszerű, mint egy énekes, így az egész években kevesebb, mint kevesebbet énekelek. Azonban titokban még mindig szeretem énekelni a karácsonyi dalokat. Még …
December 7., 2015in “Általános”

Boldog karácsonyt! Csak egy gyors megjegyzés, hogy a legegyszerűbb vágyakat a legszebb karácsonyra ma! Remélem, a napod boldogságot és békét hoz. 🙂 I likewise want to say thanks to my fellow Babes in Blogland for such a fun partnership for the past 25 days! Menj vágyakozva minden boldog karácsonyt: ♥ …
2015. december 25. “Általános”

Blogmas nap 11: A karácsonyi hagyománystoday sokkal több személyes hozzászólás lesz. Megjegyzések volt a nevem, valamint a fotóm – nem osztom meg őket a blogban az adatvédelmi okok miatt. Őszintén szólva nem számít, hogy a nevem Seraphina, vagy ha potenciálisan egy harmadik szemmel rendelkezhet (hé, ez csak többet jelent …
2015. december 11. “Általános”

delighted birthday, MBB!

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Kiváló kérdés! Nem, ellentétben a nevével, egy tényleges szavazás, mint a bit Clicky gombok. Ez csak egy csomó többé-kevésbé véletlenszerű aggodalomra ad okot, amit minden hétfőn hétfőn adtam ki a múltban az elmúlt évadban (2007 óta).

1. Spiky lashes: your thoughts?

Super great in magazines, however on me as I’m going about my day? Nem túl sok. I end up appearing like I misplaced my lash comb, LOL!

2. have you ever had a pair of cargo pants?

Yes I have, as well as I liked mine back in the day since POCKETS. I had a full-length tan pair as well as cropped pair in camo print (OMG), as well as I used them all the time.


3. Earrings: hoops or studs?

Small hoops that don’t need a separate latch/earring back.

4. carry bag or crossbody purse?

Crossbody that’s not as well big, not as well small, with a zipper (so all my crap doesn’t autumn out).

5. exactly how are you doing today?

I feel the very best I’ve felt in days! I have a horrible migraine all weekend as well as it’s subsided, for now.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

Vásárolj most

6. Something great you can do for yourself today?

Korán lefeküdni! The a lot more sleep I can slip in, the much better off I am the next day.

7. stretchy pants today?

Igen, kérem. as well as a comfy sweatshirt, too, since it’s freezing today.

8. Something you’re looking ahead to in the spring?

Seeing all the cherry blossoms in bloom!

9. Maroon mascara: indeed or no?

Hard pass. I’ve tried it before with a few different brands, as well as it never shows up on my dark lashes.

A barátságos közösségi fellebbezési addtus,


P.S. Itt van az aggodalmak, hogy másolják / illessze be a válaszokat egy megjegyzésben. Hamarosan beszéljen ya-val.


1. Spiky lashes: your thoughts?
2. have you ever had a pair of cargo pants?
3. Earrings: hoops or studs?
4. carry bag or crossbody purse?
5. exactly how are you doing today?
6. Something great you can do for yourself today?
7. stretchy pants today?
8. Something you’re looking ahead to in the spring?
9. Maroon mascara: indeed or no?

P.P… delighted Monday, my lovely friend! I hope your day has been mellow so far. Let’s have a excellent week ahead, OK?

P.P.P.S. random fun fact, however MBB turned 15 yesterday. say thanks to you for coming together with me for the ride!

I mentioned the Bésame long Hair finishing Powder Brush as one of my favourites at the end of last year. Finally, I’m posting my review of this odd looking brush:
I bought this during the fall VIB Sale from Sephora last year, it costs $62 CAD / $50 USD.

The primary reason I bought this was – I’ll admit it – out of sheer curiosity! Firstly, the packaging is gorgeous:

The whole identity of the brand Bésame has an old-fashioned and vintage vibe. It achieved the vintage look without looking kitschy – the gold box with red accent look quite classy and time-appropriate:

The brush description from the box:

Bésame brushes are designed to bring back glamour and luxury to the process of creating your look – they make expert application effortless. designed to buff powder or cream with faux hair, it blends color with ease and glides effortlessly onto the skin. The handle is designed to resemble brushes available to Hollywood makeup artist during the 1930s. It is easy to grasp, comfortable and well balanced in your hand. wash hair only warm, soapy water as needed.

I own a lot of brushes but I don’t have one that looks like a dustpan brush!

The shape of the handle makes it really easy to hold, almost like brushing my hair.  The handle is made of plastic and the bristles are synthetic.

However, as odd looking at this brush is, I would not call this brush an original, as it is a fairly accurate reproduction of a vintage Max factor brush:

Even the box is similar! Forrás.
Besides the striking appearance of the brush, the other feature is how soft the bristles are! It feels feathery soft and the hairs aren’t bluntly cut so the ends of the brush are more diffused than the base.  I’m sure the bristles of that original Max factor brush was nowhere as soft as the Bésame!  This brush is also incredibly well-made – I’ve been using this for over 6 months and have not experienced any shedding at all.

I’ve tried applying blush, bronzer and face powder with this brush but I found it difficult to pick up and place product precisely.  For me, the best use of this brush is not for applying products, but rather, for removing excess product, and for blending large areas.  Remember this post on Instagram from a couple of weeks ago:

The Bésame long Hair finishing Powder brush is exactly the brush I would use to blend out blushes if I over-apply! You’d think I would only need to blend out my face once in a blue moon, but no, I reach for this brush quite regularly since I prefer a seamless look for my blush, contour, highlight and powder. Personally, I like to blend away or remove a portion of my makeup to dial down the “makeup-y” look – hence why I also like to spray with facial mist after powdering my face.  If you’re like me, you may find this brush to be helpful too. In fact, in my arsenal of brushes, I do own another brush that perform a similar function – the Ecotools face & Body sculpting Brush:

The bristle ends of the Ecotools brush is cut bluntly compared to the Bésame one, which means it drags the makeup slightly.  I prefer the Ecotools when I am blending out bronzer rather than blush / contour / highlight – bronzer doesn’t need as careful placement compared to the other face products.

Size-wise, they’re pretty comparable but I find the Bésame to be more versatile.  Bésame itself offer another similar style brush, the short Hair Contour brush which, as the name suggests, is for contouring. It has black bristles that are much denser and shorter:

One could say it’s pricey for a brush that is a “one trick pony” but I have an appreciation for Bésame’s design, and the fact that they’re not a large company so they aren’t gaining economies of scale.  However, I did note that this brush is made in China:

Which makes sense since I’ve noticed that the majority of brushes made of synthetic bristles are manufactured in China.

This is how my unwashed Bésame long Hair finishing Powder brush looks:

See the gradient colour of my blush at the tip and contour / bronzer at the bottom? When I sweep this brush across my cheeks to blend out, it makes it look like I put in more effort than I did!

• beautiful design / packaging
• very soft bristles
• easy to wash / dries quickly
• No shedding
• Cruelty-free

• Drága
• Doesn’t pick up or deposit product well

Stash worthiness: 8/10

Bottom line: no one really needs this brush but it’s a helpful item to have on hand. I would equate this brush with my Guerlain Météorites – they’re high quality items that are a little bit of a show-piece, but they serve a unique purpose.

What beauty product do you have that you don’t absolutely need but you find useful?

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