Here’s a quick rundown as well as mini-reviews of a few of the current skincare products that I’m utilizing to specifically deal with my skin’s needs at night during the wintertime months:

Click pictures to enlarge.
Lise Watier Hydrasmart 3D Hydration Metamorphosis Cleansing Gelée – $25 for 150ml (available at buyers medication Mart,, choose Bay as well as Sears stores)
♦  I’m not normally devoted to any type of specific facial cleanser however I’ve repurchased this a number of times now, particularly for wintertime time usage.  This works just like a cleansing oil except it starts out in a gel type – when I massage this onto my skin (no water), it melts into an thick oil. as well as with cleansing oils, this emulsifies into a milky liquid when water mixes with it during rinsing. This is my makeup removal step – typically I utilize liquid cleansing oils however often they can be drying. In the wintertime time, I switch to this gelée or solid cleansing balms. This product does leave a bit of a film (hydration?) on my deal with even after thoroughly rinsing off however I don’t mind as well much because I comply with up with toner.  A unfavorable about this product is that it gets utilized up so quickly!  A tube will only last me 1 month at most, as well as at $25 a pop, it’s an costly habit.  Another con about this cleanser is that it doesn’t eliminate my eye makeup in addition to other oil cleansers.

The Body shop Vitamin E Hydrating Toner – $13 for 200ml (available at Body shop stores as well as online)
♦  It may come as a surprise however utilizing toner on a routine basis is a recent thing for me – I never comprehended the requirement for it, however I have because come to appreciate that it preps my skin to much better take in serums as well as moisturizers, in addition to eliminating any type of makeup residue.  Since starting to utilize toners, I have not been devoted to any type of specific kind, but this just may be one that I’ll return to again, particularly for wintertime months.  It has a thicker consistency than other toners I’ve tried, I believe because of the high glycerin content.  I like the hydration it provides, as well as the truth that it’s alcohol free. It has a soft powdery scent that doesn’t linger.

Swatches: Revitalizing cream at top, as well as Eye cream at bottom.
Shiseido Bio-Performance advanced incredibly Revitalizing Cream – $92 for 50ml and Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24 Intensive Eye Contour Cream – $65 for 15ml (available at department stores, drugstores as well as online)
♦  Both of the Shiseido creams are as well emollient to utilize in the summertime months however are my wintertime staples.  They feel elegant as well as offer hydration without feeling greasy or heavy.  The creams absorb well into my skin as well as I get up with a moisturized as well as radiant complexion.  Yes, they are expensive however a jar of the deal with cream lasts me at least 4 months, as well as the eye cream has lasted me 2 winters.  More comprehensive evaluation of these 2 products to come, in a function post.

Skinceuticals Antioxidant Lip Repair – $50 for 10ml (available at spas / beauty parlors as well as online)
♦  The exorbitant cost on this product ought to make it the finest thing because sliced bread, however I am still undecided about this (I ought to note right here that I did not pay full retail cost for this item).  I’ve been utilizing it for a month as well as while it has minimized the amount of lip peelies, I haven’t observed as well much of a hydrating / plumping effect.  The pump style dispenser is rather irritating – it’s difficult to manage exactly how much product comes out, as well as commonly it dispenses as well much.  The consistency is a silicone-y feeling lightweight lotion, as well as upon preliminary application, it looks white on the lips however after scrubing it in, the white cast disappears.  I’ll continue utilizing it longer to provide it a fair judgement.

Out of this list, only the Shiseido products are thought about my HG wintertime skincare products that I always return to as well as have no rate of interest in trying other products (unless my skin changes!)  The others I like as well as will continue to utilize up until they’re completed – only time will tell if I will repurchase.  What are your wintertime skincare items?

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Grading skincare routines – part 2It was inevitable that after I published the Grading my friends’ skincare routine entry that my other buddies likewise wished to have their routines reviewed.  I likewise had a visitor asked me in the comments to evaluation her skincare – ami rendkívül bízik róla! Az alábbiakban az önmagukban jelentettek …
Május 11, 2015 “szépség”

Az esti tisztító rutinok meglehetősen komolyan tisztítják tisztítást. Reggel, ez nem annyira fókuszál számomra, mert a bőrt elsősorban a bőrápolás borítja, hogy korábban használtam az éjszakát, valamint bármilyen típusú faggyút az alvásomból. Azonban éjszaka, a bőrem eltűnt egy teljes nap …
November 19, 2015 “szépség”

Nem tartósítószerekből áll, és nem akartam elrontani. Ez a termék nagyszerű hype körül …
Február 23, 2017 “szépség”

Ouch. November Low-Buy was much more like a Go-Buy… I mean, what was I expecting? Sephora VIB sale and Black Friday – why did they have to be together in the same month?

I also purchased some stuff from Winners and Avon.

Sephora VIB Sale Haul

Counting only makeup items, with the 20% off discount, this concerned $204.80. My savings was $51.20 though!

Black Friday Haul

Total concerned $172 but I saved $133.50!  I’m actually pretty amazed by this.

Earlier in the month I went to Sally charm supply to stock up on some nail and hair care stuff:

I’d recently finished up the big bottle of cuticle remover and nail polish remover so these are replacements.

Nail buffers, pumice stuff – no makeup – so this counts as $0.

Avon stuff:

• makeup setting Spray
• Anew medical Eye lift dual Eye System
I needed to replace the setting spray because I used it up last month. and the eye cream was on a special deal for less than half price. I’ve been obsessing over my under eye area lately.  Also no makeup, so $0.

Winners stuff – I found these over the course of a few visits:

• Sukin Antioxidant Eye Serum

Read above re: under eye area (it’s been really dehydrated lately). Jodi of A Brash attitude really liked this so I had to try it for myself too!

I was really psyched for the China Glaze Rebel collection and I was pleased to find these at Winners!

• Don’t mesh With Me
• Heroine Chic
• Pearl Jammin’
These were $5.99 each. I’m still on the hunt for “Dope Taupe” from that collection… need it!

• W7 The Naughty nine eye shadow palettes in Mid summer nights and Arabian nights ($6.99 each):

I was very thrilled to have found these at Marshalls! I’d first heard about these little gems from Rachael of Helpless Whilst drying and I was curious about the quality (plus, I’d been so amazed by the W7 foundation I tried as part of my $20 makeup Challenge). These are expected to be dupes for the MAC Eye shadow x 9 palettes. The store only had 1 of each palette and fortunately the safety seals were all intact and none had been tampered with! They also had the Bangkok nights palette which was all purples but I passed on it because it’d be gluttonous to purchase all three, right?

• clean sweep makeup brush Pad

Another item inspired by Rachael! That girl, she’s the worst enabler! This is a copy of the original Colour switch which sells for $25. I’ve used this a few times now and it’s pretty good. It won’t replace a proper brush cleaning but it does remove powder products better than just using a tissue.

• The brush Guard cleaning Kit

I was amazed to find this at Winners and thrilled to try it out. I’m a fan of brush Guards and use them each time I wash my brushes (see how I use them here). This kit includes a brush shampoo, a drying cloth, a washing cup, a slotted drying vase, and 4 brush Guards in various sizes. I like the illustrations on the box:

And THEN, I got this amazing polish, from none other than miss fivezero herself: MAC style matters ($6)

I’d commented on her blog post that I was thinking of purchasing this for the name alone. She’d purchased a back-up bottle of this and she provided me hers – how sweet!  So we met up again – the day before the American election (I remember it so well, ahhh, it was a much more innocent time, wasn’t it?).  It was so terrific to see her again – plus her Peanut (he’s a gummy candy monster) and lil’  baby Olive were in tow!

Grand total of my makeup purchases for November comes to… gulp… $414.75  I saved $184.70 though! My November budget was $196.38. I was over by $218.37. My December budget is $200, which implies I’ve already used that up entirely and then some! and this is not including what I hauled on charm Bay because I’m still waiting for it to arrive in the mail. I’ll deal with that in December! how was your spending this past month?

Hey, let’s distract you with a blogmas post from last year! On day 6, I posted about Christmas Cards:

A neat story about that post. I had asked if anybody wanted the extras of the Gingerbread Zombies cards and I ended up sending them to Caryl of The Caryl edit who lives all the way in Australia! I’d like to think she put them to good use!

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October 2016 Low-Buy AccountabilityThis is the first month that I’m back in the black because my overspending back in June. 108,32 dollár volt. and boy, did I spend every single penny! It’s not much to look at but one of those items accounted for 80% of the total. and oh yea,…
November 4., 2016 “szépség”

Sephora Rendelés: Clinique, Suratt, Sephora Collection, stb. Csak idő kérdése, mielőtt elhelyeztem egy Sephora rendet! initially I was lured onto Sepho
Január 29, 2016 “szépség”

November 2017 No-Buy-Low-Buy AclectilityT egy ideig, mert utoljára frissítettem a vásárlási elszámoltathatóságon – az utolsó volt augusztusban, valójában! Ez volt a júniusi és júliusi kiadásokra, így azt jelenti, hogy nem beszéltem arról, hogy az augusztus októberben ment. Azok a 3 hónapos nem voltam …
December 14, 2017 “szépség”

Phew! Ideje csinálni egy jig!

Nem hiszem el, hogy tartottam ezt a hosszúat! Amennyire az új év az idő, hogy határozatok készítsék el, és kezdjenek valami újat, utólag, azt hiszem, a no-vétel indítása valóban nehéz a január elszámolása alatt!

• Az állományom vásárlása élvezetes
• Van egy nagy sminkem
• Könnyebb lesz, mint az idő áthalad (azaz. Módszer nem vásárlás)
• A tisztítás / de-stashing nagyszerű a léleknek
• Vannak kiskapuk

Ha meg akarja vizsgálni néhány próbaterememet, valamint a 2015-ös számú megpróbáltatásokat, ellenőrizze ezeket a hozzászólásokat:

• Miért nem vásárolni 2015

• Dühös, cél! [aka, amikor megtörtem az én nem vásárolnám csak 19 napot]

• 28 nap

• Igazi 28 nap

• A No-Buy / Lo-Vásárlás címke

• 100 napos nem vásárolnánk

• Lemmings # 1

• A tisztítás: Smink Edition

Nagyon köszönöm a támogatást, és ragaszkodnak velem a nem vételem alatt – megpróbálom azt mondani, hogy kissé szórakoztató volt.

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100 napos no-buytoday az én hivatalos 100 napom nem vásárolnám! * Konfetti dobása * Az én nem vásárolnám, elsősorban arra összpontosított, hogy nem vásárol a smink / bőrápolást a szabályaim szerint (nincs webes új termékek, hacsak nem kell feltölteni egy kitöltött terméket). Alacsonyabb mértékben ugyanúgy szenteltem, hogy ne tegyen szükségtelen ruhadarabokat. ÉN…
Április 29, 2015 “szépség”

Új címke: A No Buy / Lo megvásárolja a címkét! Mindketten nem vásárolnánk 2015-re, valamint úgy döntöttünk, hogy szükségünk volt egy helyére, hogy megsemmisítjük. Ha nem vásárolsz …
2015. március 18. “szépség”

Accountability summary (+ makeup Inventory)In reviewing my publish history, I realized that I’ve never when published an annual summary of my Lo-Buy / No-Buy accountability. as well as I believe I understand why… since I’m a sneaky cheat! : P Egy kicsit vissza kell térnünk. Ha a korai napok óta betartott a blogomnak, meg fogod érteni, hogy ez …
Január 29, 2018in “szépség”

since everybody is publishing their Black Friday loot, I believed I’d publish my optimal points spend Your points loot!  I did go into shoppers medication Mart (SDM) armed with a buying list, let’s see exactly how well I did staying with the plan:

Firstly, I ended up redeeming for $300 worth of products instead of $200. I had accumulated more points since hitting the top tier a bit while back. as well as since I’ve been positively deprived of new beauty products all year long (too dramatic?) that I went all out as well as depleted my optimal points balance. Megérte!

I had to hit up 2 SDMs to get everything since the very first store didn’t have the benefit Rockateur left in stock. Also, neither places stocked any of the new Clinique Cheek Pop colours (I desired either Nude, Fig or Heather). I was likewise toying with getting a lipstick from Anna Sui however they didn’t bring the brand at those locations.  And I decided not to redeem for any type of skincare since it’s more fun to redeem for makeup!

• Guerlain Meteorites 04 Doré $71
• Clinique Pop Lip Colour in #2 Bare Pop $21
• Clarins immediate Light Lip comfort Oil in Honey $23
The Guerlain as well as Clinique were on my original list, however for the Clinique lipstick I decided on the Bare Pop rather than the Melon Pop – it’s a more wearable colour for me. The Clarins lip oil has been on my radar for months as well as I thought it’ll be great for the upcoming chillier weather.

• Smashbox double exposure combination $60
• Smashbox picture surface primer Water $37
I wished to redeem for a combination as well as it was a toss up between this or one of the Stila ones. I felt that the colours in this were more different from what I already own in my collection – as well as I like that the shadows can be utilized wet.  The primer water is totally Ingrid’s fault, I blame her.  I hope I like it!

• benefit Rockateur Box o’ Powder blush $36
• Shiseido sheer as well as perfect Compact in b20 $38
• Shiseido Luminizing Satin Eye color Trio in BR213 nude $42
The benefit Rockateur blush was on my original list, however neither of the Shiseido products were. These 3 were redeemed at the 2nd SDM place as well as at this point I just might not choose what to choose! I played around with some cream blushes (Stila Convertible Colour in Peony or Bourjois cream blush 04 wonderful Cherry almost made it into my basket) however then I spotted the Shiseido sheer as well as perfect powder, which is the corresponding powder to one of my HG foundations, so I had to get that.  The Shiseido eye shadow trio I mainly got to blend with a few of the other Shiseido trios I already own – the colours are all staples, as well as the structures are just divine.

(I may have gone somewhat over $300 ) The SDM sales associates who assisted me were lovely as well as patient even though it was rather hectic in the beauty Boutiques, understandably!  I question what is the most prominent product that people redeem for?

So exactly how did I do? Did you redeem for anything?

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I reached the optimal benefits top tier!One of my unspoken goals this year was to try to hit the top tier of the shoppers medication Mart (SDM) optimal benefits Program – as well as I’m proud to reveal that as of this past weekend , Én csináltam! This was no little task provided my No-Buy. For those who are not…
October 8, 2015In “Beauty”

Optimum points Redemption Haul AgainIt’s been a while since I last redeemed my optimal Points. It’s funny to believe that only a couple of years ago, I got super excited since I’d lastly hit the top tier for the very first time ever.  since then, I’ve hit that level a number of more times.  It’s that Optimum…
December 12, 2017In “Beauty”

Spend Your points weekend at SDM!I just discovered out that it’s spend Your points weekend at shoppers medication Mart coming up this Saturday as well as Sunday: happy dance! 😀 However, this event is only applicable to the top 2 point tiers: even though I depleted all of my optimal points in the last redemption event in November,…
February 11, 2016In “Beauty”

Amikor hiszünk az iparág ikonjairól, az iparosodás siklójairól, az egyik név gyakran eldobja: Henry Ford. Forradalmasította a tömegtermelés világát a szállítószalag szerelvényével.

Well, that’s all well as well as good, however in the feline world, there’s only one captain of industry, as well as it was Tabs. A huszonegyedik századba vette a macskaképességet, növeli a termelést sok olyan technológiai fejlődéssel, amely a kis öltésű üzletekből származik, amelyek naponta néhány ruhát hoztak létre a nagyméretű automatizált gyárakba, amelyek számtalan darab macskaszövetést hoznak létre, mindegyik hibátlan minőség.


Néhány macska, valamint az emberek állapota mindent megkezdett a világhírű őszi macska sálat, amit itt látsz …

Ezzel a sálattal volt, hogy a fülek felemelték a termelési létesítményeit néhány egységetől a több ezer napig, valamint 2015 novemberi macskáit minden városban Amerikában, valamint a világ minden táján ráncolta.


Mivel Rosie átvette a Főigazgatóság vezetőjeként, a macskányos iparágak, az LLC, ő hozta az örökséget. A macskák bárhol leállíthatják a regionális Petco-t vagy Nordstromot, hogy az egyiket a világ minden tájáról kaphassák.

Mint a tim szakács után Steve Jobs, a Rosie a hatékonyság növelése, valamint a skálázás, valamint figyelembe véve, hogy átveszi, az üzlet hármas jövedelem!

Video playerhttps: //



Amint elmondhatod, a nagyság folytatódik az óráján.

A barátságos közösségi fellebbezési addtus,


feeling the spirit!

Szóval … mi a hétfői szavazás?

Kiváló kérdés! It isn’t, as opposed to its name, an actual poll, like with bit clicky buttons. It’s just a listing of much more or less random concerns I’ve been publishing on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

1. Where did you put your makeup on today?

In my office, at my desk. It was early when I put it on as well as that space has the very best illumination in the house. (Side note: I saw a lady putting on makeup in her cars and truck the other day, which is why I believed of this question.)

2. What does your winter season coat look like?

On truly chilly days (well, chilly for California), I wear a khaki puffer coat, as well as on days when it’s raining, I wear a yellow rain coat.


3. have you ever gone with a roller blading phase?

LOL, yeah, in college. during my last two years I roller bladed everywhere. Honestly, it’s a miracle I didn’t break anything, as well as I still can’t believe I did all that blading while bring a heavy backpack.

4. exactly how carefully do you plan your holiday gift giving? Do you stick carefully to your listing or do you shop on the fly?

I autumn somewhere in the middle. I typically begin with a listing as well as get as much as I can, however I likewise like to pick up fun extras as well as stocking stuffers if I see things that the person may like while I’m out as well as about.

5. A conventional dish/food you typically have during the holidays?

Leche flan, which is like the Filipino version of creme brulee.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

Vásárolj most

6. explain your hair today in three words.

A touch unruly.

7. solid leggings or printed leggings?

I’ll choose the solid leggings, in a dark color — navy or black.

8. Something stylish you utilized to do when you were a kid?

When I was in middle institution all the women used two pairs of slouchy socks. To do it right, they had to be different colors — black as well as pink, or black as well as white, for example. Oh, as well as the chunkier the slouchy socks were, the better.

9. Red eyeshadow or eco-friendly eyeshadow?

Green, please. emerald or khaki!

A barátságos közösségi bájfüggő,



P.S. Itt van az aggodalmak, hogy másolják / illessze be a válaszokat egy megjegyzésben. speak with ya soon.

1. Where did you put your makeup on today?
2. What does your winter season coat look like?
3. have you ever gone with a roller blading phase?
4. exactly how carefully do you plan your holiday gift giving? Do you stick carefully to your listing or do you shop on the fly?
5. A conventional dish/food you typically have during the holidays?
6. explain your hair today in three words.
7. solid leggings or printed leggings?
8. Something stylish you utilized to do when you were a kid?
9. Red eyeshadow or eco-friendly eyeshadow?

P.P… great morning as well as pleased Monday, wonderful friend! I hope your week is relaxed as well as productive!

In late August, I got a few products from Nuworld Botanicals to try:

I showed this in my August accountability post.
I did not choose the certain products – I explained a few of my likes as well as dislikes, together with my skin type as well as worries – as well as left it as much as Nuworld Botanicals to surprise me! Today I’m examining the very first product that I’ve been testing for the past month, the Cold-pressed organic Sea buckthorn & Jojoba oil:

If you’ve been a visitor of this blog, you’ll understand that I like oils for all kind of beautifying aspects: cleansing, hydrating as well as protecting. So exactly how does this oil from Nuword Botanical stack up against other oils I’ve tried?

It was like at very first use! You understand exactly how often you requirement to utilize a product a few times to type an viewpoint about it? Not with this. The very first night I utilized this, I already understood this product was a winner.

What made this so great? The texture. It’s like silk.  It takes in into my skin quickly, leaving my skin plumped as well as looking radiant!

What was in this magical golden potion?  I understood that cold-pressed oils are remarkable than hot-pressed oils considering that they maintain a lot more antioxidant as well as benefits. however I couldn’t find any literature for this product as well as there was no label on the back of the bottle. So I reached out to Natalie Cascella, the creator as well as president of Nuworld Botanicals for the low-down. She encouraged that this oil is a new product from their just recently opened Raw Skincare Bar as well as shop in Oakville (for non-locals, Oakville is a lovely suburban town about 40km south of Toronto) – the oil is so new that it’s not even offered for purchase on the internet yet. Here’s what’s in this product, in Natalie’s words:

The deal with oil is one of our 3 home blends called “Balancing deal with Oil Blend”- appropriate for ALL skin types.
It’s 100% natural as well as pure oil blend, hand-crafted with just 5 cold-pressed as well as organic oils as follows:
Cold-pressed organic Jojoba Oil, Seabuckthorn Oil, Rosehip Oil, Meadowfoam Oil as well as Safflower Oil.
It’s packed with natural anti-oxidants as well as vitamins A, C, E plus Omega 3, 6, 9; rich in important fatty acids (hence the plumping of the skin).
Use on deal with everyday – day as well as night. A bit goes a long way!

I only requirement 3 drops for my whole face.
I like that it consists of simple, sincere ingredients. as well as they work. I’ve been having some skin problems from travelling as well as the weather condition getting cooler – the structure of my skin felt rough as well as dehydrated. Over time, this oil assisted to bring back my skin as well as the structure has evened out.  I often utilize this alone, or if I requirement additional moisture, I’ll apply a night cream on top so this acts as a serum.

I likewise noted that this oil doesn’t leave a shiny surface on the skin. This got me believing – might I potentially utilize this oil for the day time? I made a decision to try mixing this into my foundation, which has been a hot appeal idea ever considering that Wayne Goss published this video last year.

I made a decision to test it with Illamasqua Skin Base, which is a thicker structure foundation that can look cakey if not sheered out properly.

The incorporation of the Nuworld Botanicals Cold-pressed oil worked very well for this function too. It made the foundation apply smoothly as well as my skin felt moisturized all day.  I’m so happy to have tried this oil!

• Silky texture
• takes in quickly
• leaves skin plump
• Illatanyag mentes
• Natural, organic ingredients

• Not widely available

Stash worthiness: 10/10

I always ask myself this concern if I get something for complimentary – would I repurchase this with my own money? as well as with the situation of this oil – YES, I would! This retails for C$28 for a 30 ml bottle which I believe is exceptionally reasonable. It is currently only offered at the Raw Skincare Bar, however will soon be offered for purchase on the internet if you’re not able to trip to the Oakville store. I quote a bottle would last around 6 months with everyday use.

Other Nuworld Botanical products are offered on the internet, or from – I’ll be examining the other products I received coming up soon.

Note: this product was sent to me complimentary of charge and I developed my own thoughts as well as opinions about it.

Do you utilize a deal with oil?  Have you ever utilized a product as well as fell in like with it the very first time you utilized it?

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Nuworld Botanicals Aromatherapy PersonalsWhat a difference someday makes. Elgondolkodtam arról, hogy tegnap tegnap elindultam a blogokat – csak az amerikai választási eredmények után nem tudtam hiteles kamatlábat. But I mean the very best method to step past the shock is to resume typical activity. Ma néhány napos zsebméretű aromaterápiás jogorvoslatot mutatom …
November 10, 2016 “szépség”

Stash Dash: A kísérletem egy rendszeres kerekítés a Október 9 – 15All A félelmetes fiatalok csinálják ezekben a napokban. Úgy vélem, hogy a rendszeres kerekítés hasznos lehet azoknak, akik nem tudnak blogokat keresni egész héten. A reményem az, hogy nem csak a központosított helyet kínálja, hogy összefoglalja az összes hozzászólásaimat az elmúlt héten, bár a …
Október 16, 2016 “szépség”

Augusztus 2016 Alacsony vásárlási elszámoltathatóság Az első “igazi” hónap az én önkényes nem vásárolnám, mert túlköltekezem a május / júniusban. Augusztusban felvettem néhány bitet a gyógyszertárból, valamint a győztesekről, ahol más? Meglepő módon nem voltam olyan jól, hogy új bevezeti az őszi sneak peek-t és …
Szeptember 2, 2016 “szépség”

Tudom, hogy az amerikai függetlenségi nap néhány héttel ezelőtt volt, de ha egyszer megnézte ezt a videót, meg fogod érteni a cím jelentését. Nem vagyok általában a baba videók, de ez a kis koreai lány túl aranyos!

Kivéve azt a részét, ahol 0: 19-kor törli …

Ez az utolsó videó a nyaralási hiatus – Vissza a rendszeres ütemezett programozáshoz holnap!

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A legjobb kutya születésnapi meglepetés az én születésnapom ma Woohoo! : D Megünnepelni, nézzük meg ezt a kutyát, hogy megkapja a születésnapját: Szeretem ezt a videót! (Még mindig a nyaralás – bocsánatkérés, ha nem válaszolok a megjegyzésekre azonnal)
Július 11, 2015in “Általános”

25 Tény, hogy abound nekem tagsomething mai nap helyett egy felülvizsgálat – nem csináltam egy címkét korosztályban. Ezt a sminkes ügyben láttam, és meg kellett csinálnom a saját centrifugálást. 😉 Mi a középső neved? Áruhalmozó. Stash Hoarder ügye az én nevem, ne viselje ki! : P Mi volt …
2016. március 18., “Általános”

Kedvencek TAGI csak látta ezt a címkét a szépségvállalaton, és rohant, hogy megcsinálja, mert most már van egy hideg (Ugh nyári hidegek a gödrök), és akartam csinálni egy felemelő posztot! (és még mindig nem kaptam meg, hogy befejezze a mamut “50 …
Augusztus 30, 2015 “szépség”

I’m trying to come up with publish titles that don’t include the word “haul”… it’s getting a bit repetitive. however repetitive doesn’t necessarily indicate boring, right?  Today I bring you some Paul & Joe Beauté loot:

This was spurred on by a gift I got from my buddy at Christmas:

Le Bal Masque set in 001 Oh! Karnevál!
After receiving this present, I was compelled to go to the nearest buyers medication Mart (SDM) that carries the Paul & Joe line, as well as upon laying eyes on the glory of their display, lost my mind, blacked out for a bit, only waking as much as discover myself thrusting my credit score card at the cashier. It was all my friend’s fault!

Firstly, let’s have a better look at what is contained in the Le Bal Masque Set:

The kit contains:
• increased treatment Balm
• Eye color (x5 sheets)
• Creamy Cheek color L001
• waterproof Eye liner 01
• Pouch
Isn’t it precious!? I nearly don’t want to utilize those eye shadow sheets. Majdnem.

Here’s what I purchased for myself:

Paul & Joe natural Lipstick in #207 Grapevine ($20 + $8 for refillable case)

Nail polish in (L to R): Figue 04, Kakigori 07, Koala Bear 12 – $16 each
To narrow down to these 3 choices, I referred extensively to this amazingly extensive publish from imabeautygeek (what would I do without her blog? save money? Ha!).

Eye color brush S – $21
It’s incredibly soft as well as a fantastic shape for blending.  Surprisingly, I didn’t end up with any type of eye shadows, which is unusual for me. however I figured I have so lots of shades to try from those eye shadow sheets in the Le Bal Masque set, I’ll provide them a whirl to see if I like them sufficient to get the full sized pans.

Two great things to note about this haul (aside the charming products themselves) is that 1) I utilized a $50 SDM gift card, as well as 2) I received a crazy amount of bonus optimal points for costs a lot more than $75 on Paul & Joe products, so there’s that.

Have you tried Paul & Joe?  I believe this is my new Anna Sui! (I still like you Anna, I just likewise like Paul & Joe – there’s space in my heart for the both -or three?- of you).

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Amit kaptam a karácsonyi 2015-es szórakozásra, hogy biztosítsák az ajándékokat karácsonyra! As I discussed during blogmas, we’re quite low-key for Christmas which likewise applies to gifts. I gave my SO coins from the Mint, a cookbook, a top from Roots (no socks! 😉 ), a wooden utensil set from William Sonoma, and…
December 28, 2015, “szépség”

Hauluary 2017 – makeup as well as SkincareWhen I look at everything together like this, I believe I got a bit brought away with makeup hauling… however when you pick up a bit bit here, a bit bit there, it doesn’t seem Mint ez sok! 😉 Nem tudtam elérni a tényleges boksz napot …
Január 25, 2017 “szépség”

Anna Sui Holiday Sweets Ajándék készlet 02 Cukros Sweethis volt része az üdülési 2014-es korlátozott kiadás kiadásának – csak 2 évig későn! Actually, I discovered this earlier this year at Winners so it wasn’t like I’d been sitting on this for 2 years! (De azt értették, hogy megtörténik …;)) Az Anna Sui 2014 …
2016. december 14. “szépség”

I guess I’m that pal with benefits.  This is the 2nd time I’ve provided up my Sephora VIB 20% off discount for my non-VIB friends!  The last time was back in April, and I was able to re-qualify for VIB status solely on my friends’ purchases.

This time surprisingly, the list was not as long!  Here’s what I purchased on behalf of my friends:

Friend #1: Maison Martin Margiela “Replica” Jazz Club perfume $120

I’ve tried this perfume on before and it is a distinct smoky fragrance with tobacco, leather and rum and notes.

Friend #2: Clinique stay Matte pressed Powder $31

Friend #3: Clinique practically Lipstick in Pink Honey $19, and benefit Rockateur Box o’ Powder blush $36

(SO tempted to pull a “one for you, one for me” on the blush since it’s also on my wish list!)

Friend #4: Peter Thomas Roth Firmx Peeling Gel $60

I purchased the above items in-store rather than online because I will be seeing these pals within the next week or so, and I didn’t want to risk not receiving the items in time before seeing them. So I braved the Sephora at one of the busiest malls here during lunch hour on Day 1 of the VIB sale. A zoo doesn’t even begin to describe the choas in that store. There was a girl behind me who asked why it was so busy there – she’d just come to collect her BI birthday gift. poor thing, lol. A chick in front of me had 4 shopping baskets full of stuff and her total concerned $1,200! To thank customers for waiting, they handed out samples of Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm while we were in line, which was nice. I also got to play around with the Surratt charm eye shadows and they’re heavenly – very smooth and the colours were so sophisticated. I’ve narrowed down my first Surratt purchases to: Relevée Lash Curler, eye shadows in Marron and fee Dragee or Tyrian, and the La Vie En rose blush. I’m going to get the small customized palette which can fit 1 blush and 2 eye shadows (or 2 blushes, or 4 eye shadows). Nem várhat!

Friend #5: BITE Beauty Maple Matte Crème Lipstick in Candied Maple $28 and Kat Von D Tattoo liner in Trooper $23

I placed this purchase online because the Bite charm lipstick wasn’t available in-store any longer (and just qualified for totally free shipping – so delighted Sephora decreased the minimum purchase for totally free shipping from $75 to $50).  I was also able to choose 3 totally free samples:

AND, luck of lucks, Sephora still had the 500 pt urban Decay perk so I got that for myself!

I saw some swatches of it online and it looks decent. So I did end up with samples and a perk for myself. Hurrá! I still have 1300 pts that I’m hoarding until something else catches my eyes.

So how was Sephora VIB sale for you this time?

Ps. I’ve changed my colour scheme for Christmas now, because we had the Santa Claus parade here yesterday, it’s officially Christmas time! (all the stores are playing Christmas music now too, that’s also how I know)

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Sephora VIB Sale fall 2016 HaulAnd here’s the reckoning. truth time: I placed 3 orders online and made 1 in-store purchase. 😀 I requalified for VIB Rouge for next year again! But, not because of my own purchases, but my pals pooled their purchases with mine (I’d say the breakdown was 30% me, 70% them).…
November 18, 2016In “Beauty”

Sephora Rendelés: Clinique, Suratt, Sephora Collection, stb. Csak idő kérdése, mielőtt elhelyeztem egy Sephora rendet! Kezdetben a Sephora-ra csábítottam a bőrápolási dupla pontok utolsó napjára – akartam megkapni a Clinique nedvességű felületi arcát. But then a few other nagging bits from my Lemmings list…
Január 29, 2016 “szépség”

Sephora Vib Eladó őszi 2017 vonatfinally, postázom a Sephora vib eladásomra! I had early access so I was able to start hauling on Nov 3rd. After the first window of shopping, this is what I ordered: As discussed in my shopping list post, I really did not need numerous things. Az egyik…
November 30, 2017 “szépség”