baba első látogatása egy könyvesboltba!
So, where do two book-loving parents take a little explorer on her very first “out-in-the-world” excursion?

Természetesen könyvesbolt!


Most, hogy Connor Claire átadta a hat hetes jelet, szívesen, hogy kijusson oda, és kezdje feltárni a külvilágot, kezdve az irodalommal.

A YA szekció ellenőrzése (anya kedvence) …
El Hub and I headed to the brand new Novato branch of Copperfield’s Books, an independent bookseller here in the Bay Area.

Elfogadtam Connort a Moby Baby Carrierbe, és kb. 30 percig böngészettünk. Adott, az idő nagy részében aludt, de még mindig úgy gondolom, hogy élvezte, hogy olyan sok könyvet vesz körül.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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Miért igen! – Szeretnék egy ideiglenes “Cattoo” -ot
Elvégeztük egy ajándékot, hogy emlékezzen az alkalomra, az A.A. Milne Winnie-the-Pooh hozzáadja a növekvő könyvgyűjteményéhez.

Egy másik kiegészítés Connor Claire könyvgyűjteménye
Tegnap volt egy nap elsődleges Connor Claire. Más, mint egy könyvesbolt első látogatása, az is volt a nap, amikor meghallgatta az első herceg dalát …

Ez a dal mindig az egyik kedvencem volt, de most Connor Claire-val új jelentőségű.

RIP, herceg … Még mindig sokk vagyok az elhaladásáról. His creativity has always inspired me, and it makes my heart heavy to think that the world has lost such a rare gift.

Ó, és tudtad, hogy a herceg is írta dalokat más zenészek számára? I found this story, “15 great prince songs That Were Hits for other Artists,” in Rolling stone really interesting.

Itt jön a nap … és Chanel Nyár 2016
Ma azt tervezem, hogy a kedvenc herceg dalaim a nehéz forgatáson, miközben Chanel 2016-os gyűjteményével játszom (rajta van ezekben a képeken, az úton) – Málna Beret, a szeretője, a kis vörös korvette, és én meghaljon 4 U.

Mi a kedvenc herceg dalod? Azt hiszem, lehetetlen választani csak egyet.


Más, kevésbé szomorú hír, ma is a Föld napja, így a boldog föld napja neked, barátom. Azt hiszem, Connor és én megünnepelek az újrahasznosítás kivételével.

A barátságos környék szépségfüggő,


1. begin with an eye primer

Aye, primer! as well as ahoy, matey! As any type of self-respectin’, makeup-lovin’ pirate be knowin’, ye should always begin yer eye looks with a bit o’ eye primer fer the very best eye looks, yargh!

OK, that was wackadoo. Sajnálom! however it’s about 93 degrees in my home right now, as well as I feel loopy.


No joke, though, eye primer is such a essential step, as well as one I never skip, disallowing extenuating circumstances (like 10-minute makeup looks since I’m feeling lazy or I’m running method behind), when I wear powder szemhéjfesték.

Just like the type of primer painters use, eye primer fills the bit spaces on the surface of the skin, making lids nice as well as smooth, which in turn makes products layered on top of them last longer without settling into fine lines or applying unevenly on dry patches. Eye primers likewise keep your eye makeup from shifting around while intensifying powder shadow colors, which are all fantastic things!

Most (but not all) eye primers have a creamy consistency similar to eye creams, as well as they are available in great deals of different type of packaging. Some are available in a tube that appears like mascara as well as have a doe-foot applicator. Others are available in capture tubes, as well as others are available in pots.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

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They usually are available in different shades, too, although some are un-tinted — with the concept for those being that they won’t interfere with any type of other colors you layer on top. Some lightly tinted varieties can likewise color correct discoloration on the lids, as well as those tinted ones aren’t supposed to interfere with whatever shadows you pop on top of them, however I discover that they usually do modify them a little.

I believe un-tinted colorless primers are great options for novices since they can be utilized with a wide range of looks, as well as my favorite, favorite, preferred one of all time is NARS Pro-Prime Smudge-Proof (not just for beginners, however for anyone), which I understand I mention every 10 or 15 minutes. however I totally stand behind it. I try new primers all the time, as well as I have yet to discover anything I like better.

A tube will last me about half a year. Your mileage may vary, however of what it’s worth, I wear a great deal of eye makeup.

2. invest in some high quality brushes

From the left: MAC 239, MAC 224 as well as MAC 217 brushes

You understand that whole “right tool for the job” thing? It’s totally true. Fingers as well as foam applicators will work sometimes, however sometimes you can’t get the precision you requirement without the right shaped brush, particularly when blending.

Here are three type of brushes that I discover myself utilizing a lot…

A flat eyeshadow clean — These are great at pressing eyeshadow on the lids as well as in the crease, as well as getting a great deal of color on the skin quickly. You can likewise utilize them to apply shadow along your lower lash lines.

A tapered blending clean — fantastic for blending. They are available in truly handy when you’re working in the crease. They diffuse colors well over big areas which makes for beautifully blown-out gradients, as well as you can likewise utilize these for quick laundries of color around your lids.

A fluffy domed clean — These can likewise be utilized for blending, however they have a denser, more compact head than tapered blending brushes, so they don’t diffuse color to the exact same degree. great for when you want to smooth out edges without totally blowing them out, as well as some people likewise like to utilize these to apply color into the crease.

There are countless clean choices available at every cost point, however for natural hair brushes, I truly like the MAC 239, MAC 224 as well as MAC 217. I believe Laura Mercier’s brushes are likewise great, as are Sonia Kashuk’s.

And for synthetics, I like any type of of the brushes by RealTechniques as well as as well Faced.

3. If you plan to do a great deal of blending, lay down a light layer of one more powder product first, on top of your primer

Chanel loose Powder in 40 Dore
This is totes key, girlfriend, particularly if you plan to do a great deal of blending, like for a smoky eye!

Start by dusting a light layer of powder — I just utilize a translucent deal with powder as well as a tapered blending clean — on top of your primer, before you begin applying your eyeshadow. The powder will assist smooth whatever out even more as well as will absorb any type of areas that are still wet with primer, so your eyeshadow won’t look patchy.

It’ll likewise provide your lids a bit of slip like a lubricant…made of powder, to ensure that products layered on top will glide on without any type of resistance.



A barátságos közösségi szépségfüggő,


Nem voltam Montereyben vagy a Monterey-öböl akváriumában … Nos, elegendő, hogy azt mondják, hosszú idő volt, így az út, amit El El A múlt hétvégén hatalmas bánásmód volt. Láttuk, hogy mi lesz a leginkább az utolsó nyaralás-y hurray, mielőtt a csecsemő nő megmutatkozik márciusban, így pénteken délre haladtunk.

A meghajtó körülbelül három órát vett igénybe. Legutóbb, amikor elmentünk, nem volt YELP, hogy segítsen nekünk felfedezni a helyeket, hogy enni, és mi nem volt GPS telefonunkon, ami valóban segíti, amikor az éttermek (és a hotel) felfedezésére szolgál, így ezúttal Körülök, úgy gondolom, találtunk egy csomó tiszta helyet, nooksot, valamint olyan kurvákat, amelyeket még csak nem is értettünk. Olyan sokkal többet láthatunk, valamint a Monterey környékén, valamint a Carmel közelében (beleértve a látszólag végtelen számú imádnivaló üzletet), mint gondoltam. Ha Kaliforniában online, vagy ha meglátogatsz, akkor igazán remélem, hogy megvizsgálja. Ez volt az egyik legszebb, legizgalmasabb, valamint az ízletes utazások, amelyeket években vettem.


Étel? A tenger gyümölcsei!? Szent Makréla! (Haha, poor pun intended.) Talk about great eats, as well as it generally seemed to be more economical than the fresh seafood I discover up right here near San Francisco.

És akkor ott van a hihetetlen akvárium! Egy további életben azt hiszem, tengeri biológus / állatorvos voltam. Ezek a Dang Sea Otters néhány a világ legvékonyabb critterjeinek, az általuk játszott módszerrel, valamint a roll körül? Nem is tudom pontosan pontosan, hogy milyen imádni lehetnek! Úgy értem, komoly négylábú modellezési potenciállal rendelkezik. A lapokat tájékoztatni kell.

Íme néhány kép az utazásról, ami csak pár nap volt péntekig vasárnap. Utolsó napunkon szintén megálltunk Carmel (Clint Eastwood a polgármesternek), amely még egy kis város közvetlenül a Monterey mellett.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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Csak hittek, hogy egy kicsit öltözöttek a sétaért

Olyan sok étterem ott van Monterey Fisherman’s Wharf, valamint ez a hely ízletes ebédet szolgál fel
Micsoda kilátás!
A legjobban darned grillezett articsóka, amit valaha is volt az életemben
Ó, helló!

Az étkezési partnerem néhány percig …

Használtam, hogy egy homokvár csak olyan, mint ez, amikor egy fiatal voltam (kivéve, hogy lila volt)
Nem is értem, hol kell elkezdeni …

Ki az akváriumba!
OLYAN ÉDES!!! Egy vidra szépség rutinja …


A böngészője nem támogatja a videó címkét.

Nem szép?

A Baby Girl először menjen a tenger felé

Ó! fantastic costs as well as outrageously tasty super fresh fish



Monterey at night…

Carmel is one more adorable town, as well as it’s only 15 minutes from Monterey

A feline bard…
For when your kitty crosses the Rainbow Bridge

KÁVÉ! (Decaf, bluh)

I just like steno

It’s like a scene from The Hobbit…
This adorable store is called Jane Austen at Home
A barátságos közösségi szépségfüggő,


Először is, ez egy legit. Ez egy igazi trend. After stores close…under cover of darkness, resourceful charm lovers are getting into their cars, driving out to stores like Sephora and Ulta, and going scavenging in dumpsters for charm products.

Aki tudta?


Fogalmam sem volt! — but it’s a big deal on YouTube, where people post videos of themselves going out to these dumpsters and dumpster diving for makeup. Aztán megosztják a videókat.

Néha a termékek vadonatúj és teljesen érintetlenek, de bizonyos esetekben nem. A vállalatok számos okból elvetik a termékeket, a törött csomagolástól az ügyfélig visszatérnek a lejárati időpontokhoz és a leltárellenőrzéshez.

Néha az elemeket a munkavállalók szabotálják, mielőtt eldobják a Dumpster búvárkodást. A “Souping” -nek nevezik, és néhány Dumpster búvárok áthaladnak egy olyan folyamaton, hogy visszaszerezzék ezeket a megsemmisített termékeket, mielőtt a hulladéklerakókba kerülnek (kellékek az erőfeszítésekre). Fascinating!


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

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Úgy értem … látom a fellebbezést. Olyan, mint egy kincsvadászat, amely potenciálisan több ezer dollárt ér a Charm termékekben, és ez is enyhén káros és izgalmas.

De vannak kockázatok. A dumpsterek gyakorlatilag mindig magántulajdonban vannak, így megszakadhat. There could also be used syringes, old food and other health risks mixed in with the products (ugh!). Az elemek szintén lejárt vagy visszahívás. Nem mindig mondhatsz.

Nem hiszem, hogy az életemben ezen a ponton csinálnám … de nem mondhatom, hogy nem vettem volna figyelembe, ha 15 éves vagy 16 éves voltam. Ha a barátaim péntek este meg akarták ásni a Sephora szemetet, hogy lássák-e, hogy vannak-e fel nem használt városi bomlás paletta, Hmm … ez nehéz lenne ellenállni. Nem tudom.


Vajon valaha is bájos Dumpster búvárkodna? Vagy korábban csináltad? tudasd velem!

A barátságos környéke Charmfüggő,


Herbal Essences naked clean and refresh Shampoo and Conditioner ($4.99)
As I sit writing this, I’m riding the Amtrak 69 train from nyc toward my hometown of Moriah, new York. I haven’t been home in a while, and it’s my grandmother’s birthday this weekend, so a lot of my cousins who I haven’t seen in a long while are going to be in town.

Making the trip by myself can be tiresome, but the scenery is nice. The Adirondack train runs daily from new York City to Montreal (and vice versa), so it’s a convenient, albeit long, trip (about as long as driving would take with stops to rest).


This week, in the spirit of visiting old pals and family, I also decided to revisit a shampoo I’ve tried before, but not since they updated the packaging and, I assume, reformulated it.

Now it’s called Herbal Essences naked clean and refresh Shampoo ($4.99), but I think it used to be called Herbal Essences naked volume when it first came out. I remember being less than thrilled about the original version.

When I tried it back then, I was looking for something inexpensive that would cleanse my hair well and didn’t contain parabens and all that. The Herbal Essences naked line was an inexpensive option.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

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While the naked clean and refresh line (there’s also a $4.99 conditioner) isn’t marketed as “cleansing,” the combo gets the job done.

My hair is ultra-thin and fine, so experimenting with new shampoos and conditioners is always perilous. I don’t wash my hair typically (maybe twice a week), but when I do, I usually alternate between a cleansing shampoo (for when my hair is super greasy or full of dry shampoo) and Clairol Shimmer Lights Conditioning Shampoo, because I’m not about that brassy life. and some days I’ll use a combination of both.

The (new?) formula

Herbal Essences naked clean and refresh Shampoo definitely doesn’t lack in lather potential. If you’re a dime-sized amount user (short hair), you should get a good lather, but it shouldn’t be too much. I use about a quarter-sized amount for my hair and get a lot of nice suds.

The conditioner’s slightly thinner formula doesn’t do much for me… I usually only use conditioner on the length and ends of my hair, and this one doesn’t do much for my hair in terms of making my ends any softer or plumping them up.

The fragrance

Both of these are supposed to have a white strawberry and mint scent, but I’d say it’s closer to pure strawberry — almost too close, for me. I’d love to see Herbal Essences release something minty-er in the line, or add even more scents in general.

An alternative that I sometimes use for stronger notes of mint is Loreal Everpure volume Shampoo, which also has hints of Rosemary and Juniper.


When I was using Herbal Essences more typically it was years ago (more than 10!), so when I try their products now it’s a little like revisting an old friend. Clairol, who owns H.E., was acquired by Proctor and Gamble some years ago, and they made a lot of changes. They redesigned and renamed almost everything and spruced up the packaging.

Overall, Herbal Essences naked clean and refresh Shampoo and Conditioner doesn’t super impress me, but I will give it another try one of these days. I don’t think the shampoo is the world’s greatest cleanser, but it mostly gets the job done. I do feel like I need to use a dry shampoo the next day to boost my volume.

Are you a fan of Herbal Essences? have you tried the naked clean and refresh line?

wearing make up For ever pro Light fusion Highlighter in 02 on my upper cheekbones and down the bridge of my nose (P.S. big hair don’t care)
Serious question: how did we survive without highlighter?

Sure, it’s not as vital as oxygen, food, Nutella, Netflix or water, but 10 years ago I didn’t even own a single highlighter, and now I have a drawer filled with them (all of which are necessary, of course).


And that drawer just keeps getting fuller and fuller. the current additions to it have been the stunning make up For ever pro Light fusion powder highlighters, which are $39 each and available now.

Basically, I think they’re epic. They have the same glossy, dewy finish as the MAC cream Colour Bases, which have a fabulously shiny highlighter finish that stops short of frosty, but they come in a incredibly fine powder formula instead of a cream.

Seriously, run a fingertip across one of the pans, and you can’t even see the grains!


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

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I still love me some MAC CCB (especially Hush; it’s my jam), but I have room in my heart for best powder highlighters like these, which have a bit a lot more oomph on my skin than MAC’s creams.

Also, if you love the wet finish that you get with the MAC CCBs (or, really, cream highlighters in general), but, for whatever reason, creams slip ideal off (it happens with oily skin a lot), these MUFE pro Fusions might be an option for you because the powder grains really stay put on the skin.

Swatches of the make up For ever pro Light fusion Highlighters in 01 (top) and 02 (bottom)
Plus, hi! — that gorgeous, glossy glow…

It may be a lot more accurate to call them opalescent. They shimmer, but the shimmer is a step up from the hourglass Ambient Powders, and a step down from the BECCA Shimmering Skin Perfector pressed Highlighters, which places them roughly halfway between “Wait, are you even wearing highlighter?” and “Hello, I can see your highlighter from across the golden gate Bridge!”

If you’re wondering why you must bother with a mid-level shimmer highlighter like this one, well, they really help with the big pore situation, I’ll tell you that much. No O.T.T. frosty highlighters for this girl. (At least, not until a appeal genius invents a permanent pore-shrinking solution… somebody get on that, ASAP!)

Make Up For ever pro Light fusion Highlighter in 01

Make Up For ever pro Light fusion Highlighter in 02
There are two shades. 01 is a golden pink, which looks like liquid opal on the skin, and 02 is a yellow gold. MUFE says that 01 is for light-to-medium skin tones, while 02 is for medium-to-dark skin tones, but if you happen to fall in love with a shade not made for you, just wear it anyway! The higher contrast will only make it a lot more obvious, and that might be a good thing, especially if you like drama!

Apparently, I’m 18 years old and 5’7″…

I flat-out love (probably a little too much) taking those random quizzes online that tell you, like, what type of cat you’d be if you were a cat (Persian, Siamese or Ragdoll?), or which celebrity is your appeal soulmate, or weather you would get along with Taylor Swift.

I just love ’em, and I think it’s because I spent my teen years in the ’90s, when you could open up a appeal magazine and always find a nonsensical quiz in the back. and they were always incredibly fluffy and nowhere near accurate, but they were fun.

Anywho, a few weeks ago I took this one on Buzzfeed (they have the best random quizzes) titled, “Pick An Outfit, and We’ll guess Your exact Age and Height.”

You had to choose from among different items to make your outfit (tee shirt, pants, jewelry, etc.), and I don’t know if this is a good or bad thing, but…

According to Buzzfeed, I dress like I’m 18 years old and 5’7″ (I’m not).


Maybe this is the universe trying to tell me I need to step up my leggings game?!


Here’s the quiz if you want to take it, and if you do take it, you have to tell me what you got.

A barátságos környéki fellebbezési addict,


The CUTEST packaging!
Haszon, haszon, haszon … Ó, pontosan hogyan szeretlek! Ön igazán szegezte a Cheekathon Blush & Bronzer palettával.

Mit gondolsz először, amikor hiszed az előnyről? Hiszel a dobozos porukról? Annyira ikonikusok a márkához, valamint nagyszerű okból. Minden egyes közülük Uh-May-Zing! as well as now, rather than having to go out as well as buy them all individually, you can get five of Benefit’s finest blushes as well as bronzers at when with the $58 Cheekathon palette.


A juttatás Cheekathon Blush & Bronzer kombinációja ($ 58)
Normally in kits such as this the actual pans are usually smaller than usual, however listen to this: all of these powders are full SIZED!


Ez annyira lenyűgöző számomra. Nem látsz olyan palettákat, mint minden nap, és általában egyetlen teljes méretű blush vagy bronzer 15 dollárt vezetne, így a költségek közül ketten kapsz öt!


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

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Az elpirul, amit a Cheekathon-hoz kapsz, a rockeur (egy csillogó arany), Dallas (mocskos rózsa), Coralista (csillogó fényes korall), valamint a pitypang (egy fényes csecsemő rózsaszín). Természetesen nem lenne hasznos kiadás Hoola Bronzer (tökéletes matt) nélkül. Olyan színeket kapsz, és befejeződik ezzel a kombinációval, hogy valószínűleg valószínűleg eljuthatsz, soha nem használják fel még egy blush-ot az életedben.

Ugyanígy egy kicsit tiszta a palettával, ami valóban nagyon szép a HOOLA használatának kontúrozásához.

Milyen kiemelkedő fajta!

Amennyire pontosan milyen jól van a Cheekathon utazik, a csomagolás egy kicsit terjedelmes, ezért nem hoznám velem utazáson, hacsak nem volt furcsa kötelességem mindezen különböző elpirulok mindegyike számára … tökéletes a smink fiókja számára. Bármit is igényelne, ott lenne!

Felhatalmazott jobbra: előnyös pitypang, hoola, rockeur, dallas, valamint Coralista


Ma három öt porot használok az arcomon. Valóban könnyű kontúrot csináltam Hoola-val, valamint használtam a Dallas-t az arcomon, valamint az almák előtti pitypangon. The powders are all so smooth and blend-able… You won’t have any type of patchy cheeks with this palette!

Hoola, Dallas, valamint pitypang viselése az arcomon
Ezt a kombinációt ilyen A + -on adom meg, hogy ha magasabb minőségűek voltak, akkor azt is biztosítanám!

Próbálta az előnyök dobozos porát korábban? Mi a kedvenc?

often the best appeal days are the ones where you don’t really try at all. Today I wanted to play with the new It Cosmetics universal Contouring palette for face as well as Body ($40), however I didn’t want to spend a lot more than 30 seconds on each eye. I likewise decided to channel my inner Pebbles Flintstone. Days like these are made for bold lips. It’s called deflecting!

Anyway, while It Cosmetics has created quite a charming palette, I find the brand’s advertising description kind of off putting. The mention of plastic surgery as well as fillers sets the wrong tone for me as well as makes me feel like the goal with contouring must be to actually change your features instead of improve them. Of course, there are times when the goal is to modification facial features, however I think for your typical cosmetic consumer (not makeup artist), that’s not what it’s about.


From It Cosmetics:

“Developed with plastic surgeons, the leading experts in contouring as well as aesthetics, each powder shade is formulated with proprietary best Lighting™ technology to simulate real facial contouring as well as supply a foolproof alternate to fillers. While the four contour shades take in light as well as lessen the areas to which you apply them, the two highlighters improve features you want to pull forward, creating the appearance of a lot more volume. Talc-free, as well as best for all skin types as well as skin tones, these shades are infused with anti-aging collagen, silk as well as peptides to blend effortlessly as well as provide smooth, natural-looking protection that lasts all day.”

I just don’t want to be made to think that there’s something wrong with my face. I have to look at this mug every day! makeup is heaps of fun as well as makes me happy, however I really try to only wear it to reveal myself, not conceal my insecurities. Also, I’m pretty sure that best Lighting™ technology is, like, matte vs. shimmer powders.

It Cosmetics universal Contouring palette for face as well as Body ($40)
Apart from my philosophical grievances with this palette, the formula is soft, pigmented, as well as soo simple to blend. I’ve been using it with this Contour & Highlighting Brush ($34.50 and also from It Cosmetics), as well as it does pretty much all the work for me. There is some dust that kicks up when loading up your brush, as well as the packaging is silver cardboard. It gets messy; I got contour powder in the highlighter pans a lot more than once.


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Top: Soft Contour, Light Contour, Matte highlight Bottom: medium Contour, Deep Contour, brilliance Highlight

Overall, this palette runs too warm for my skin tone, however I can pull off the highlight shades as well as soft contour. often I dip into the deep contour shade for one more kick of dimension, however the two middle shades are far too orange to do anything for me except make me look like an oompa loompa.

The two highlight shades work well on me, though the matte shade is really just my skin tone as well as fantastic for all over my face. The brilliance highlight has got some severe glimmer without being overt glitter, as well as gives off a wet look, particularly if you spritz your brush with some repair +.

For my eyes, I went in with the Deep Contour shade (middle shade, bottom row) as well as just packed it on as well as blended it out with a huge fluffy brush. I’ve been really into smearing a single shade all over the lid as well as calling it a day. I’m kinda lazy, as well as it’s kinda chic. The deep shade worked really well as eyeshadow! Days later, I’m still wearing this look, as well as even adding the lighter shades to the crease. I will say — if you’re using these as shadows, use a primer first. I didn’t, as well as I think my ideal eye looks a little creased towards the inner corner.

There are a couple other things on my face that I need to tell you about.

Jeffree star Velour liquid Lipstick in Unicorn Blood ($18)
I bought Unicorn Blood a couple weeks back as well as haven’t taken it off since. whatever you’ve heard about Jeffree Star’s Velour liquid Lipstick formula is true. Ez fantasztikus. It is a true liquid lipstick — the consistency is very thin as well as opaque. You absolutely need to provide it a great shake before use (as with a lot of liquid cosmetics) just to get the ingredients balanced; otherwise, it can go on a bit uneven.

I generally lean apathetic towards product scents as well as put up with some I’m not crazy about since the formula is great otherwise. I try to steer away from the vanilla cupcake/buttercream frosting scent that is so prevalent on the market, which brought me here. Jeffree Star’s newer shades, as well as some of his cult status shades, are root beer scented and…I don’t hate it. It iA preferálom (rendben vagyok a festék szaga. Még az ajkán is.), Mindazonáltal a frissítően más. Még szagú szagú. Nem is igazán biztos vagyok benne, hogy ezt jelezem, de csak olyan, mint a root sör ideális, mielőtt kortyolna.

Az egyszarvú vér a hagyományos rozsda alapú mélyvörös. Még nem kellene viselni, és nem kell megkérdezni, amit legalább öt alkalommal viselek. A Jeffree Csillag weboldalán minden kék holdat egyszer megkaphatja a lábadat. Megéri.

Mac kozmetikumok szélsőséges méretű vízálló szempillaspirálban ($ 22)


MAC just released a waterproof version of their In extreme dimension Mascara, as well as I’m all about it, as well as not just since it matches the shade of teal that policies my life. Mindent meglehetősen kielégítő; Hosszabb, erősíti a hangerőt, és tartja a görbét. Nem folt, pelyhek, vagy fekete könnyeket sírsz.

Az egyetlen figyelmeztetés az applikátorral. Szeretem az alacsonyabb szempillák, a külső, valamint a belső sarkok kerekített ötletét, és sokkal több terméket adunk hozzá a gyökérhez, valamint egy bizonyos szempillák csoportjának elválasztását egyszerre. Nem szeretem, hogy szilikon. Alkalmazása közben, ha az applikátor megérinti a szempillámok gyökerét, akkor teljesen megragadja a szemem, és akkor is könnyes szemem van a nap hátralévő részében, valamint gyakran szempillaspirál bárhol a szemem leállítása előtt száraz. #allergseason

De vízálló, így legalábbis az ügyetlen epizódok alatt marad!

Kedves rajongók és Felinees,

Azt mondják, április zuhanyzók hozhatnak virágokat, és nem az az igazság. Élveztem a környéken a környéken, a magas füvekkel és a fák levelei mellett.


Remélem, hogy egy kis időt tölthetsz ezen a hétvégén. Jó időt töltöttem, élvezve a fantasztikus szabadban, próbálkoztam a legjobban a cica skengking képességeimhez; Azonban az asszisztens allergiáim és állandó tüsszögés miatt nem tudtam semmit felugrani.

Annyira nehéz megtalálni a jó segítséget ezekben a napokban.

De nem vagyok őrült. Túl lenyűgöző kívül a negatív érzések energiájához. Mindaddig, amíg fel tudom venni a napot, lélegezzen friss levegőt, és érezze a gyepet a karmai között, boldog vagyok.


A tavasz teljes lendületben van, és minden másodpercenként élvezem. Remélem, te is.

Mindig szeretlek,


The new NARS pro brush Collection
I don’t even know where to start with the NARS pro brush Collection. The face brush is $95… I mean, I can’t. I just can’t. almost $100 for a single brush is craziness to me. I thought a $38 Chanel eye brush was stressful!

I received these brushes as press samples, so I didn’t purchase them on my own. because if I had, I would be the type of person who drives to Petco to buy Tabby’s gravy in a tricked-out Mercedes with those automatic side mirrors that collapse down like Transformers.


I am not that person… I drive a six-year-old Mazda.

If I were that type of person, though, I would consider getting one, or maybe two, of the uber-luxe, shockingly soft brushes in this collection. (Note: I was so shocked by how soft these were that I couldn’t keep it to myself. I had to have El Hub try them.)

Would I get all eight, though? No, not unless Tabs scores a big kitty modeling contract.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

Vásárolj most

Again, the #1 Finisher powder brush is $95. the most “affordable” brush (air quotes) in the collection is a small angled eye brush called the #8 small Sculptor, and it’s still $45.

There are eight brushes in all, most of them face brushes, with a couple of eye brushes in there as well.

The NARS pro brush Collection breakdown

#1 The Finisher ($95) — A large and fluffy brush optimal for buffing and blending powder formulas.

#2 The Brightener ($95) — A large, teardrop-shaped brush that specializes in highlighting and all-over blending with a weightless touch.

#3 The Intensifier ($85) — A medium-sized brush designed for creating defined cheek looks.

#4 The Sculptor ($85) — A medium-sized, angled brush optimal for sculpting, diffusing and dispersing fluid formulas.

#5 The small Brightener ($55) — A small, teardrop-shaped brush with a weightless touch, optimal for highlighting eyes and other small areas on the face, like the bridge of the nose, Cupid’s bow and cheekbones.

#6 The small Intensifier ($55) — A small, domed-shaped brush optimal for targeted contouring on the nose, in the crease, and on other small areas of the face.

#7 The flat Intensifier ($55) — A small, flat makeup brush optimal for focused effects on the eyes and brows with powder formulas, and also for eyeshadow artistry, defining brows and setting under-eye concealer.

#8 The small Sculptor ($45) — A small angled makeup brush optimal for adding dimension — with liquid and cream formulas — to small areas around the eyes and lips.

— Paraphrased from NARS PR

From the top: NARS #1 The Finisher ($95), #2 The brightener ($95), #3 The Intensifier ($85) and #4 The Sculptor ($85)
According to NARS, the brushes are made in Japan and bound by hand. They’re certainly fancy-looking, right? and the brush heads feel supernaturally soft, which I’d expect for brushes in this price range. I don’t feel a trace of scratchiness. Egyik sem. These are like rolling around naked on fancy silk sheets. So luxurious!

When I hold the handles in my paw, they also feel sturdy and perfectly balanced. Neither too heavy, nor too light. They feel like they could be heirloom pieces you could pass down from one generation of makeup lover to the next.

Mit? Am I the only one who’d do that? I’d totally do that!

NARS #5 The small Brightener ($55), #6 The small Intensifier ($55), #7 The flat Intensifier ($55) and #8 The small Sculptor ($45)

Are there other good makeup brushes out there that cost less? Igen, vannak. I think with these, you’re mostly paying for the ultra-soft bristles, the fact that they’re handmade, and the NARS logo on the handles.

Sooo soft!
If you decide to get one, I really like the super soft #5 small Brightener brush (the pointy highlighter brush). I think it’s the most versatile. You could use it as a precision highlighting brush, a brush to apply setting powder under your eyes, or as a face powder brush to do specific spot placement (like down the sides of the nose). Plus, at $55, it’s practically a steal compared to the other brushes in the set.


If you want to feel these up in person, they’re available now at NARS boutiques and the NARS website.

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