Chanel 857 Legendás zöld (Limited Edition)
Lehet-e csak hagyományos működési eljárást végezni ezen a napon, hogy minden barna szemű lány – valójában, minden lány és smink-szerető haver, időszak – minden nap zöld szemceruza visel? Mivel Chanel legendás zöld Stylo Yeux Liner meggyőződése van, hogy ez meg kell felelnie azoknak, akiknek meg kell felelnie a kemény sminkszabályoknak, és Hecknek … Még nem is kell követni az iránymutatásokat (én választom őket).

857 legendás zöld
Ezzel a mély, gazdag erdei zöld szemmel tartottam a szememmel – mind a csiszolat, mind a vízvezetékek, mert ugyanolyan jónak érzi magát, és mindkettő mindkettőhárú – és most minden más bélésen próbálok leesni a barna szememre . Ez a zöld zöld vadon élő vadon élő.


Kap egy kicsit közelebb … Ne légy félénk.

Ez gyakorlatilag fekete, de sokkal összetettebb és mélyebb. Olyan, mint valami, amit tipikusan több árnyalatot kell összekeverni, hogy megtalálja, de itt kapod ezt a jóságot egyetlen ceruzában.

The twist-up Stylo Yeux eyeliners are some of the best-kept secrets in the Chanel line IMO. Van egy fekete árnyék, 88 noir intenzív, amit élek, méz. Noir Intenzív a legszegényebb, legsötétebb, leggazdagabb és sok kényelmes fekete bélés, amit valaha viseltem, és körülbelül nyolc trillió üres botot hagytam az ébrenlétemben … ez az epikus.


És így van legendás zöld. Ez olyan, mint 88 Noir intenzív, de egy erdei zöld árnyalattal. Ez az üdülési gyűjteményből származik, amely a számlálókon és az online mostanában van, és ez korlátozott kiadás (Boo, Hiss!), Tehát most kapd meg, mielőtt a legendás zöld lesz a Legends cucc … Egyetlen bot 33 dollár (ouch, tudom) , de ez így van, sooooo jó.

A barátságos környéke Charmfüggő,


(zselé) sugárzik!
Körülbelül 2,5 másodperc alatt egyszerű halandóvá válhat az egyszarvúra, vagy talán még egy másodpercig! – Farsali zselé gerenda megvilágítóval ($ 40). Farsali is an indie brand finest understood for their shimmery skin serums as well as elixirs, as well as Jelly Beam (it’s a highlighter), which introduces November 1st online, is their very first official foray into the world of makeup.

Nem hiszem, hogy felkészült erre a zselére …
A zselé gerenda galopp (!) A félkövér, fényes fémes kiemeltek mintája, a legfontosabb különbség a legfontosabb különbség, valamint minden más csillogó arany a jelly textúra, amely úgy érzi, mint a selymes tejszínhabbal (így ez nem rohadt). Ez nagyon menő! Úgy tűnik, hogy a torta tésztát vagy a jiggly rántott tojásokat, mielőtt beállították volna.


Emlékezz a Mac hatalmas ugrás árnyékára néhány évvel ezelőtt? Jelly pontosan ugyanaz a textúra.

Annyira arany.


Pat és / vagy keverjük össze az arany zselét a bőrön, adja meg körülbelül 30 másodpercig, hogy szárítsa meg a por, valamint a méz, hogy a nedves szatén kiemelkedő nem fog semmit.

A barátságos közösségi szépségfüggő,


putting them on is fun! Egy másik történet. Ezek a túlságosan felolvadt matt folyékony rúzsok, az utat, ami utoljára esett ki.
Marisolom a közelmúltban elmondta nekem ezt az időt, amikor készen állt, amikor felkészült arra, hogy menjen ki, és csak hihetetlenül intenzív matt vörös folyékony rúzsra tette, de nem vette észre, amíg azt nem vette észre, hogy nem igazán dolgozzon a szemével.

Szóval le kellett vennie.


De már megszáradt! — so it took her forever and a day of desperately rubbing at her lips with tissues to take that lipstick off, because, as you know, with matte liquid lipsticks, you practically need a chisel and Thor’s hammer to remove them.

Miután elmondta nekem ezt a történetet, olyan voltam, mintha – tudom, hogy nem kell keményen lennie! Basically, if you have an eye makeup remover that works for waterproof eye makeup (or long-wearing eye makeup), soak a Q-tip with it, and run that across your lips (obviously, don’t take shots of the stuff; Ez nem lenyelésre van szüksége), eltávolítja azt a matt folyékony rúzsot (vagy hosszú fárasztó rúzsot) egy pillanat alatt.

Mindent megteszek, amikor a folyékony rúzsok ajakmintáit csinálom. Ez egy gyors módja annak eltávolítására.

A vízálló szemmosás eltávolító, amit most használok az egyik klorán. Ez a vízálló szemmel, a megnyugtató búzavirágral, és nagyszerű. Ez 16 dollár, és kék üvegben van. Nyilvánvalóan használom a szememre, nyilvánvalóan, és mindent elhagy. Ez sem irritál.


Ráadásul eltávolítja a hosszú fárasztó ajak termékeket egy snappy-snap-snapban.

A barátságos környéki fellebbezési addict,


actually counting the seconds to my next coloring appointment
I’ve been dyeing my hair of what feels like forever. I believe the last time I rocked my natural color from roots to ends, gosh… It must’ve been when I was in my 20s. Talán? It’s been a truly long time.

I’m currently two weeks out from a hair coloring visit with my buddy Alis, who lives as well as works in Las vegas however gos to right here to California every couple of months as well as takes some visits (I typically go every six to eight weeks).


Girl, I like going to the salon. It’s like a trip experience for me. For two hours, I tune out, checked out trashy magazines as well as just get to be pampered for that short block of time. Ah …

But even though it’s a fun thing for me, bit by little, it’s starting to feel less like a treat, as well as much more like hair handcuffs, since now whenever I go, it’s like, “Ugh, gotta cover these grays!” My hair is getting to the point where my roots are extremely apparent while they’re growing out.

I’m seriously thinking about letting my hair go to its natural raw state, however I just don’t understand if there’s an stylish method to make the jump to gray, particularly with dark hair.


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Yes, this is not a major issue in the higher plan of things. I recognize this, however still.

Maybe it would be simpler if I were totally gray. I’m most likely about 15% now. Actually, much more than that. perhaps 20%. 30%? Anyway, now gray hairs are starting to show up in my infant hairs on my forehead and, like, in my bangs as well as on the veeeeeery top of my head, so they aren’t as simple to hide.

If I were 100% gray already, at least it would be a single color, like awesome woman gray hair, however that’s not the case. I would be salt ‘n’ pepper, however without the dope rhymes or Spinderella.

I don’t understand if I ought to just let my hair grow out as well as put up with it for a while.

For a while… much more like a few years! Or, ought to I just keep doing what I’m doing as well as going to the salon? — since I do like my produced hair color. I might keep covering my roots with my reliable Rita Hazan spray, however let’s get real. My hair only looks great for about three weeks after I get it colored before the gray roots full-on destroy the party.

Or, I might just lastly dedicate to discovering exactly how to color my own hair properly, since I understand it isn’t impossible. then I might do it much more often.

I’m just truly poor at it, as well as I dislike doing it…


If you have any type of ideas, please let me know, since I’m so, so curious. If you’ve done it before (gone full-on gray), let me know. Did you go chilly turkey, or did you do it in steps? Are you believing about doing it? I would like to hear your thoughts. I can’t be the only person available wondering about this.

A barátságos közösségi bájfüggő,


My top three, best-of-the-best eyeliners!
Eyeliner has to be my many liked makeup product…or one of them, at least. I have been consumed with winged liner for a really, truly long time now, as well as I’ve tried soooo numerous eyeliners throughout the years in the quest to get the ideal wing. Let’s be honest…so numerous of them just ordinary suck, however these three are amazing.

The reason I like winged liner, as well as just eyeliner in general, is since you can utilize it to truly accentuate your eyes. My eyes are a bit on the little side, so I try to make them pop as much as possible! I even did a tutorial on winged eyeliner in four simple steps over on my blog.


Eyeliner is one of those things that’s either truly good, or really, truly bad. There isn’t typically much of an in between. typically when I purchase new makeup, if it isn’t very great, I can typically make it work up until I surface it up, however not with eyeliner. To have your liner look good, the liner has to really be good.

I assumption that makes me type of an eyeliner snob! I only utilize the very best of the best, as well as one of these three is always in my makeup bag.

1. Stila stay all the time water resistant liquid Eye liner ($22)

Stila stay all the time liquid Eye liner in Black ($22)
I keep buying Stila stay all the time water resistant liquid Eye liner over as well as over once again since it never stops working me! It has a thin felt suggestion as well as a fine point, so you can quickly get a good sharp wing with it without trying as well hard. By type of laying it on its side, you can drag it as well as rapidly line along your lash line as well. With the opaque black formula, you never have to add a second coat, either, which is so nice! I’ve likewise discovered that if you keep the cap snapped on truly tight, it lasts for months. I dislike it when an eyeliner dries out after just a couple of weeks, however you ought to never have that issue with this one.


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Stila stay all the time liquid Eye liner felt tip
Push lightly to get a very thin line, or apply much more pressure to get a thicker line

2. The Balm Schwing liquid Eye liner ($17)

The Balm Schwing liquid Eye liner in Black ($17)
I’ve tried a lot of stuff from The Balm lately, as well as I’ve liked every single thing, including Schwing liquid Eye liner in Black. I believe what I like so much about it is exactly how pitch black as well as matte it is.

I like the look it provides me, as well as I’ve never tried one more liner that does the exact same thing. Schwing has a felt tip, which is my preferred type of liquid eyeliner tip, however rather than it being like a marker, you dip it into the bottle as well as the product coats the applicator.

In my opinion, it’s a bit harder to utilize than Stila stay all the time liquid Eye liner just since you requirement to wipe off a bit of the excess on the edge of the bottle to have the best amount to get a truly crisp line, however it’s not as well complicated.

Still, if liner isn’t your thing, it may make things a bit much more difficult, however if you’re a liner junkie, you requirement TO try THIS ONE. The opaque matte surface is to die for!

The Balm Schwing’s felt tip
So black as well as matte!
A pretty, dainty wing utilizing Schwing!
3. makeup permanently Aqua XL water resistant Eye Pencil ($21)

Makeup permanently Aqua XL water resistant Eye Pencil in M-10, a matte black ($21)


As for pencil eye liners, makeup permanently Aqua XL water resistant Eye Pencil in M-10 can’t be beat! I just recently evaluated the entire line and fell in like with these, particularly the black one.

I primarily only ever utilize these on my tightline as well as waterline since they really stay put. It’s so difficult to discover an eyeliner that doesn’t move, particularly when your eyes water as poor as mine do. You likewise don’t have to sit there scraping your eyeball trying to get good color payoff. You get a smooth application in one pass. I like all of the colors they have offered too. You can truly make some fun looks with these!

Makeup permanently Aqua XL water resistant Eye Pencil
Mmm, smooth, buttery color…
My picky eyes have been consumed with all three of these eyeliners, as well as they’ve never failed me! What eyeliner has earned a very first class seat in your makeup bag?

urban Decay UD Jean-Michel Basquiat. I’m wearing the Gold Griot Eye palette on my lids, Gallery blush palette on my cheeks as well as exhibition Lipstick on my lips.
If you’ve ever been stuck in a makeup rut, I’m telling you, the new urban Decay UD Jean-Michel Basquiat collection will kick you outta that funk like that. *snaps*

“Art as makeup. makeup as art.”

That’s the tagline for the collection, which is offered now (sort of, however more on that in a minute). as well as the collection is a work of art. I think it’s incredible. This is some of the best — the best — makeup urban Decay has ever done. Like, every single thing in this collection makes me want to paint my face in a myriad of different ways.


But let me back up juuust a bit…

Urban Decay Gold Griot Eyeshadow Palette

Urban Decay UD Jean-Michel Basquiat: already getting difficult to find, however it IS still available

Sadly, urban Decay UD Jean-Michel Basquiat is restricted edition, as well as folks are losing their minds over it! — so the items are already getting difficult to to discover on the UD website. A great deal of the pieces are sold out, however you can still discover most of them (for now) online at Ulta, Sephora, Macy’s as well as Nordstrom.

If you ever shop Macy’s, they’re running a 10% off promotion on urban Decay products online using code “FRIEND” (I’m not sure exactly how long it will last, though).


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Urban Decay Tenant Eyeshadow Palette
What’s really in the release?

There are two eyeshadow palettes (Gold Griot as well as Tentant, which are $39 each), a blush palette (Gallery blush palette $34), three lipsticks (Exhibition, Abstract as well as Epigram, $17 each) three eyeliners (Anatomy, vivid as well as post Punk, $17 each), three makeup bags ($18-35 each) as well as a $165 LE situation called a vault that comes with whatever (appears to be sold out, unfortunately).

Urban Decay Gallery blush Palette
Lipsticks from the left: Abstract, Epigram as well as Exhibition
UD 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils from the left in Vivid, Anatomy as well as post Punk
Who was Jean-Michel Basquiat?

I recognized the name before I’d started looking into this collection, however I didn’t understand much at all about him or his art. He’s deceased now. He was an artist from new York best known for his graffiti as well as his use of mixed media as well as color. Wende Zomnir, the chief innovative officer as well as co-founder of urban Decay, is as well as has been a big fan for years.

Urban Decay Gold Griot Eyeshadow Palette
Talk about bad-@ss paintings/palettes

Urban Decay collaborated with the Basquiat estate on the products as well as got permission to use his name as well as artwork on the palettes, which look like works of art irrespective of the actual makeup in them!

Tenant Eyeshadow Palette
Urban Decay Gallery blush Palette
The packaging even feels like an art canvas, as well as that’s actual Basquiat artwork on them, both inside as well as out. Oh, as well as UD even added mounting holes to them on the back so you can hang them on your walls if you’d like.

That’s just neat, isn’t it?

This is high-end makeup

The coolness element as well as interest to detail are incredible, however they wouldn’t mean much without great makeup.

Ó! as well as about that? Oh, my gawd! I can’t think of anything I’ve ever seen from urban Decay that has impressed me this much. Yeah, I mean, they’ve done epic things many times before, like the naked palettes, for sure, however this is next-level sh*t.

I used the neutral-heavy Gold Griot palette a few times between last Friday as well as last weekend, as well as every time I touched it, I thought, “What IS this? Am I using Dolce & Gabbana?”

It’s that caliber quality. quickly up there with Dolce, Armani as well as Chanel.

Same with the blush palette, Tenant eyeshadow palette as well as the lipsticks. Satin sheets feel like sandpaper next to the softness of these microscopic grains of powder, as well as butter feels like trail mix next to the smoothness of these lipsticks.

Urban Decay Gold Griot Eyeshadow Palette
Tenant Eyeshadow Palette
Running my brush across the eyeshadows barely kicks up any type of dust, as well as fallout? Seriously, what’s that?!? I’ve barely noticed any type of (very little for urban Decay). as well as the blending? simple as 1-2-3.

The powders as well as blushes are likewise potently pigmented.

Even the lipsticks! You only need one swipe to totally cover your lips with long-lasting, beautiful color, as well as they aren’t a bit drying.

Urban Decay Gallery blush Palette
Oh, as well as did I mention that the eye, cheek as well as lip colors go together like hummus as well as pita chips? You might do an infinite number of looks with this collection.

That said, the eyeliners are touchy

Ez az egyetlen dolog. even so, I love Anatomy, the reddish brown eyeliner,which is like a redder version of MAC Costa Riche, however I’m not too crazy about neon eco-friendly post Punk as well as blue Vivid, at least when I wear them on a sajátjuk. Szüksége van egy kicsit finaglingra, mintha egy fehér bázis tetejére helyeznének, hogy segítsenek nekik, hogy lehetnek.

Azt hiszem, lehetnek keveredni az alsó szemmel, és ezáltal egy kicsit funky, de megmutatják az igazi, gyönyörű színeket egy fehér bázis tetején.

A tetején: városi bomlási rúzsok kiállításon, absztrakt és epigramm; UD 24/7 Glide-on szem ceruza élénk, poszt punk és anatómia
Az arany Grot Eye palettát viselek a fedélen, Galéria Blush paletta az arcomon, valamint kiállítási rúzs az ajkaimon
Városi bomlás absztrakt rúzs
Urban bomlási epigram rúzs
A bérlő szemhéjfesték paletta viselése, valamint a sikló szemceruza élénk, valamint a pognel a szememben, a galéria elpirult paletta az arcomon, valamint az absztrakt rúzs az ajkaimon
Az ítélet

Ez az egyik olyan gyűjtemény, amit örökre emlékszem. Értem. Ez epikus, nem csak a minőség szempontjából, azonban pontosan, hogy a színek együtt működnek együtt, a csomagolás, minden.


Továbbra is meg fogom venni. Azt hiszem, ez az UD legjobb gyűjteménye valaha. Ha kihagyod, talán sírsz csillogó könnyeket, mivel ez az egyik olyan gyűjtemény, amely a hype-ig él.

A barátságos környéke Charmfüggő,


great morning!

Szóval … mi a hétfői szavazás?

Well, it isn’t precisely a poll… It’s more of a constantly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random listing of concerns I’ve been doing every Monday morning for the past 11 (!) years. (It’s like a kick begin for your brain.) I’ve always enjoyed reading your answers in the comments as well as getting my week off to a great start, as well as I hope you do, too.

1. have you ever wished to modification your name?

When I was a youngster I did since I utilized to believe that “Karen” was boring, so I tried to informally modification it a few times, however nothing ever stuck.

In eighth grade — oh, gosh, as well as this is such an eighth grade thing to do — my buddies as well as I selected “secret” names for ourselves to utilize in our letters, as well as I asked my buddies to phone call me “Rennie” (both in person as well as in print).


Yeah, not such a trick name, right? Needless to say, it didn’t stick.

And then freshman year college I went with a phase when I wished to “rebrand” myself, LOL! So I had everybody in the dorm phone call me “Karen Tess,” which is a shortened combination of my very first as well as middle name (Theresa)… That didn’t stick, either. as well as I likewise went with a phase when I resided in San Francisco in my early 20s when I introduced myself as “Kate” (my nickname at home).

Now I like my name. I definitely feel like a Karen.


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2. Are you a feline lady?


3. What did you do over the weekend?

Um…caught a cold? El Hub, Connor as well as I spent the weekend visiting household in Redding, which was nice, however I believe we brought a chilly up there from infant story Time down here.

Connor’s doing much much better now, however I believe it’s about to be my turn next… I feel that telltale scratchy throat. keeping my fingers as well as toes crossed that it turns out to be allergies…

4. Something on your to-do listing this week?

Bring at least one bag of clothes to Goodwill, since I want to KonMari this home up until it can’t be KonMari’d anymore, dawg!

5. exactly how do you feel about liquid liner?

I feel great about it, LOL! I feel great about it as well as utilize it often, particularly if it’s simple to utilize like Tom Ford’s as well as Clinique’s.

Boldog hétfőt!

You understand what’ll wake you up on a Monday morning? Slamming a glass of Emergen-c. AZTA. Anyway…hi! exactly how are you doing this morning? Mit csináltál a hétvégén? I hope you have a fantastic week.

A barátságos közösségi szépségfüggő,



P.S. right here are the concerns to copy as well as paste with your answers in a comment:

1. have you ever wished to modification your name?
2. Are you a feline lady?
3. What did you do over the weekend?
4. Something on your to-do listing this week?
5. exactly how do you feel about liquid liner?

Amikor megpróbálja bemutatni a körömlakkot, és úgy érzi, hogy Hella kínos
Ok, sminkes összeesküvés elméleti idő!

Here goes: I believe there’s something going on with the bottles of Chanel Le Vernis nail polish in the travel Diary collection, since they look so totally different in the bottles than they look on my nails.


I Dunno … Az első árnyék, amit megpróbáltam, a horizont vonalat, és most ezt a másodikat, hogy az Ideális Meow-ot, az új hajnalokat, unalmasnak, valamint a palackjaikban lévő unspiring-et használom, de ez egy egész különböző történet a mancsokon .

Két kabát Chanel New Dawn

Ez az árnyék, az új hajnal, nem ragyogó, de meglepően összetett valami, amit először csendesnek tűnik. Nem tudom leírni. Gyakran úgy tűnik, mintha krémes, szürkés mauve lenne, akkor aztán meglepődik egy pasztell ibolya pillanat. as well as often when I glimpse down at my nails, I vow that it makes my fingers look longer (like a great deal of nude polishes do).

Sokkal összetettebb, mint amire számítottam, pontosan azt tervezték, hogyan néz ki a palackba. Önnek igazán meg kell kapnia a mancsát, hiszen ez az, ahol a mágia történik.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

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Mellesleg, a Chanel reformálta az egész körömlakk vonalat, miközben hátul, valamint eliminálta a formaldehidet, a dibutil-ftalátot, a toluolot, a formaldehid gyantát, valamint a kámforat, hogy 5-szabad képletet állítsunk elő. Ők valóban fokozták a körömjátékot.


Úgy vélem, az új képlet simább, sokkal pigmentált, és gyorsabban szárad, mint az előző képlet, és egy kicsit hosszabb ideig tart. Legalább öt vagy hat napot kapok egy bázissal, valamint a felső réteggel, mielőtt úgy érzem, hogy szükségem van arra, hogy megszüntessem a lengyelemet és a kezdeteket. A körmökön brutális vagyok. Azt hiszem, hosszabb ideig tart, mint az Essie, de nem inkább olyan hosszú, mint az OPI. nagyszerű dolog!

A barátságos közösségi fellebbezési addtus,


A trükk Costco biztonsági felvétele szerint a közelmúltban kiszivárgott a YouTube-on, amikor a lámpák éjjel leállnak, valamint az üzlet leállnak, ezek a medvék az élethez jönnek!

Most már végül megértjük, mit csinálnak, amikor maguk a boltban vannak …


Ők a fehér bort, valamint enni a méz hatalmas üvegedényeit, amelyek az éttermeknek kell lenniük, és azt hiszem … családok, akik valóban, valóban igazán, igazán szeretnek mézet.

And then they sit in front of the huge TV screens as well as enjoy truly poor truth TV shows.

Ez értelme, azt hiszem … Úgy értem, nem látom őket, hogy élvezzék a természetvédelmi programokat. Egy kemény nap után a munkahelyen sok ember szeretne élvezni a TV-t, hogy megvizsgálja, és elszabaduljon mindentől, akkor miért akarna egy gigantikus mackó élvezni a medve show-t?

Well, it turns out that they enjoy genuine Housewives, The Bachelor as well as The Bachelorette — basically, shows including people discovering “true love” (quote, unquote) on TV.


A legjobb értelme számomra.

A barátságos közösségi fellebbezési addtus,


Y tho?!
For the record, it’s hard to look cute in a raincoat. (In case you were wondering.)

It’s rainy and gloomy here in NorCal today, but I’m not complaining, because the rain makes me feel alive! The world around me is thirsty, and it’s taking a much-needed shower and a big gulp of refreshing H2O. and when it’s done, the oak trees and the turf on the hill and the sidewalks and my car (haha) are all going to look fresh and new.


Or…maybe that’s just California Karen romanticizing the rain, because we haven’t had much of it this winter. I’m sure that if I lived someplace where it’s been pouring 24/7, I’d be like FRICKIN’ rain destroying EVERY minute and EVERY second OF MAH LIFE!!!

Weather like this calls for a dose of joyful pink cheeks and bright rosy lips (it couldn’t hurt). thanks to an illuminating primer, the skin is ever-so-dewy, and the dark blue liner plays off the pink. It’s strategically placed on the middle of the lower lash line for a doe-eyed effect, so you can give strangers a enticing stare while you sashay by them in your raincoat.

Side note: #teamraincoat ALL THE WAY. Raincoats are the way to go (even if they are hard to look cute in), because they let you keep your hands free, and if there’s a kitten huddling in an rainy alley and you need to save her, you can carry her and comfort her with both hands.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

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Lát? always looking ahead. ?????

When it’s raining, I like to keep my makeup on the minimal side, because you never know if you and your raincoat will get caught in a downpour, and I figure that if my face gets drenched in the rain, better for it to happen while I’m wearing minimal makeup than a full face of war paint… You know, less to clean up when I get wherever I need to go. * vállat vállat *


Here’s a breakdown of this look…

Eszközök (az általam használt termékek dőlt):

Whatever you like to blend your foundation and cream with — a blending brush, BeautyBlender or your fingers


A brow gel (I used hourglass Arch Brow Gel in warm Brunette)

A waterproof Mascara (L’Oreal Voluminous Lash Paradise Waterproof)

A long-wearing dark blue pencil liner (Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Sabbath)

An under-eye concealer (I used MAC studio Waterweight Concealer in a mix of NC20 and NW45)

A liquid foundation (Physicians formula The healthy foundation in DW2)

An illuminating liquid primer (I like Physicians formula spotlight Illuminating Primer)

A creamy pink blush (Kosas Cosmetics Creme blush in 8th Muse)

A matte rosy pink liquid lipstick (Physicians formula The healthy Lip velvet finish in Dose of Rose) — I chose a liquid matte lipstick because I didn’t want to wear anything that would stick to my hair


Mix a few drops of an illuminating liquid primer with the foundation you plan to use, and apply that elixir only where you want/need coverage.

Conceal the dark circles under your eyes, if you have them.

Fill in your brows with the brow gel.

Tightline your upper lash line (optional).

Line the middle of your lower lash line with the blue eye pencil, and then smudge the edges with a Q-tip for a doe-eyed effect.

Coat your upper lashes with waterproof mascara. Then, on your lower lashes where you have the blue liner, apply some extra mascara to intensify the doe eyes.

Blend the creamy pink blush atop the apples of your cheeks.

And finish with the matte rosy pink liquid lipstick.

A barátságos környéke Charmfüggő,
